Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rick Deezle
An underground record label (more informations on Facebook Page).
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Recording Studio Owner, Mixing, Mastering, Music Producer, Recordings
Hi, I'm Michele Sarubbi. I've been working for 6 years in electronic music scene as a ghost producer, now I'm a mixing and mastering engineer. I'm specialized in EDM, house, techno and indie electronic, but I've worked a lot with rappers and hip hop producers and pop singers too.
Hey there... If you need help with Mixing and/or Mastering let me know. I reply within 24 hours. Happy to help.
I've a Recording Studio & Production named BUREAU STUDIOS in Milan, Italy. 10 y exp Ghostprod and Dj producer in my Town and all around the world. Also graduate in Pro Audio Engineer At CPM Music Institute (Premiata Forneria Marconi School) in Milano.
Providing professional sound editing and mixing services, I'll bring top notch audio quality to your project. Especially talented at fixing poorly recorded audio.
I help indie, folk & pop artists release music they are super proud of through stress-free mixing & mastering.
Award-winning songwriter and vocalist who Billboard described as "Nicholas uses her stellar pop/R&B sound to address issues like labels ("Light"), social inequality ("Side By Side") and much more, all while showing off her incredible vocals and her natural acumen for songwriting."
I make sure that my clients are happy and satisfied with my work by professional and quality work through a high sense of service.
Recent Successes
"Super nice and talented guy, it's been a pleasure working with him!"
"I got my 2nd and 3rd LP's mastered with Adam. Easy to communicate with and very patient, I always felt at ease voicing concerns as well as trying to troubleshoot or understand different aspects of the process. As expe..."
"I enjoyed very much working with Austin who provided an amazing result. Austin is very professional, flexible, kind and he created an exceptional sound. Looking forward to our next song. Thanks Austin!"
"I mean WHAT?! This man works magic. Pure musical magic. He can’t be human. Fourth song down and I’m becoming more and more of a fan the more we work together and I didn’t think that was possible after he slayed my fir..."
"Very easy to work with, great tone and timbre on his instruments. Mine was a difficult project, very fast and done in 7/4 time, so it required more than the usual amount of work on both our parts, but Manana Horns wa..."
"GËKKØ is the best producer on Soundbetter! It is truly and honor work with him. He always goes above and beyond for your music. I highly recommend working with him!"
"Very good communication and fast delivery. Very good sounding mixing I compared to my favourite songs and they sound just as good! I also asked him to be a little creative with the mix and he really complimented t..."