Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Richard Jon Smith
I've had the pleasure to have work in the music industry for over 35 years. Kool and the Gang, Billy Ocean, Mutume, Third World and jimmy Cliff, Latoya Jackson, to name a few.
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From the heart of the peaceful revolution you will get the sound your music deserves.
Crest Recording Studio is a full service studio for music, audio post production, commercial production, CD mastering and audio enhancement. Sixteen years of full time studio recording has built history for our company. We provide an atmosphere of comfort working with each of our clients.
Give me your raw vocal tracks, I'll give it back to you professional sounding.
Good quality, Good price
You can visit my website for listen the demos. https://www.tonedid.com
Hey I'm Andrew, a producer from Tulsa with over 10 years of experience. You may have a fully written and recorded song that needs some production sauce or just a voice memo of a chorus idea, either way I'll make it a finished track thats ready to be released for the world to hear!
Let's make the dream come true!
I'll go the extra mile to ensure your work captures the essence of your music perfectly.
Recent Successes
"Raymond is very professional and delivers not only high quality vocal mixing but he is always polite, attentive to detail & always eager to alter any changes that you put forward to him at the last minute! He is patie..."
"Once again, Giuliano delivered an excellent recording of an original piano song. He patiently worked with me through a few versions to get the sound just right. In the end, I don't think I could have played it bette..."
"Absolutely fantastic! Professional and immediately able to grasp what the client is looking for. I've worked with him on several songs now and each time he brings a diverse sonic palette, great feel, and superb result..."
"Adam is very professional in the way he works. His mastering skills are phenomenal. His communication is crisp, clear, and responsive. It's been an absolute pleasure working with him on this project!"
"The mastering was exactly what I was looking for and the final product sounds very smooth and clear! Carlo really knows what he does! I definitely can recommend him!"
"Chris did an amazing job at capturing exactly what the project needed, wonderful musical ear & overall brought all the great vibes!!!!! "
"Alessandro really helped me reach where I wanted this song to go. His vocals are really just perfect and he gives everything to the song. Much thanks to him."
"If you want a flashback on how SOUL should sound ..THEN K.Star is da dude. "
"Cory is fast, professional, and easy to communicate with. i didn’t have any issues when it came to deadlines or responses, and the songs were mixed very well!"
"Best Mix Engineer on the platform for Hip Hop period! Finds ways to level up your track you'd never even think of. Perfect vocal timing, effects, autotune etc...100 Stars!"