Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ricardo Castellanos
I'm a drummer with a 22+ year of experience and I hope I can contribute with your sound. My work focuses on the best performance for your project, prioritizing what the composer wants. If you want a talented musician working on your sound with all his dedication, contact me and lets talk about your project.
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Hey, Im Chris. Let's record!
Music producer located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Award winning engineer with more than 15 years of experience, more than 70 bands and artists to date.
I engineer the artist's unique vision of their music.
Experienced Audio Engineer with a mission to deliver industry-quality, professional mixes and masters to the masses. Freelancer that works with both labels and independent artists. Get the industry sound you need to take your craft to the next level.
I have been working for 20 years in Music Production. Songwriter | Musical arrangements | Multi instrumentalist | Sessionist | Audio Editor | Mixing and Mastering Technician |
I am a highly trained vocalist in a variety of styles. I have been working as a ghost vocalist and been involved studio recording for 6 years now.
Complete 70’s studio experience and modern convenience.
Recent Successes
"5/5, always a pleasure to work with! Incredibly talented singer and songwriter!!!"
"110% Really enjoyed collaborating with Nate. A versatile and talented producer/engineer. We bounced ideas back and forth, and Nate followed thru with great execution while respecting the direction of the song. "
"High technical level served by amazing grace. Warm and responsive communication."
"Emilio was such a great professionst and his additional percussions on my song is just what I dreamed about!!! "
"Great ! Matt is very professional and efficient. He understands everything and he has talent. I love the result ! "
"Another one down! This is the 8th song we have done together and it just gets better every time. Mr Mig is an artist and technical guru. I pay homage to the master!"
"I've already done many projects with Austin and it's always a pleasure. Really first-class work and always ready to make another change if I have another idea and fast as alway!"