Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Reliance Community Church
Live sound engineer since 2013, mainly in house of worship settings.
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surfing on sine waves
Hi! I'm Jack.
I'm a recording engineer, producer, and guitar player in Austin, TX.
Acoustic Guitar (nylon) sessions, arrangements, and compositions. Get in touch! I'm looking forward to collaborating on your project!
Born in the second summer of love with a direct line from the originators of modern dance music. Originally from the warehouses of rave, techno and house, now hitting with a more refined and original electronic sound.
Producing and Audio Engineering (Mix & Master) for more than 10 Years in the music industry. Bachelor Degree Music Production, Record Label Owner.
Transforming soundscapes with 4 years of mixing and mastering. Elevate your music's impact with precision and artistry. Professional quality, affordable rates. Let's make your tracks shine!
Dj Patrick Angola also known as Patrick Taborda is a Dj, Producer, Mix & Mastering Engineer.
Recent Successes
"Jeez, where do I start from. He is just too good at what he does and his customer experience is Top notch. He took my record from being a good one to a great one in a matter of hours. Really dedicated engineer. I'm al..."
"Mark is so great at music it’s ridiculous, not only for bass guitar, but, also production and song arrangement help, and his drummer is top notch pro as well... Mark can satisfy just about every musical itch you’ve go..."
"Easily my favorite musician to collaborate with--easy, smart, kind, and brilliant. Such a pleasure."
"another fast turnaround and amazing turn out!"
"Michelle re-worked a song I gave her and she took it to another level. She re-wrote the lyrics and melody lines. Thank you so much for putting your heart into this and coming up with a stellar performance.!!!"
"Great as usual, i love to work with Markiss, thank you !!!"
"Holly has a beautiful voice. She did an amazing job on my song. It was better than I thought it could be. I had other singers but none of them got the emotion, timing and inflections the way Holly did. I highly recomm..."