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Regionalverband Saarbrücken Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Bass player of prog metal band "Plug-In", Mobo began his carrier as composer and sound designer for video games (credited on 80+ games). After touring as a Bumblefoot band member for a couple of years, he started Conkrete Studio, a mixing and mastering facility dedicated to metal bands. Conkrete Studio is now one of the top metal studios in France.
Let me take your Hip-Hop/Rap songs to the next level! I can make you sound like any industry record you're looking for!
Full time composer and sound designer for media
I never resonated with the word “Yolo” because in reality we live everyday and only die once. Became inspired by MTL artists around me chasing their dreams. Housefly music helped me develop my first track, and I was sold. I’m a vocalist who can sing and rap in 3 languages. No matter what I go through... Music🎵 always picks me up from the ground.
Im really 5 years old.
Adi’s music infuses Western styles with Eastern soul to produce a genre-bending, alternative sound, be it through Indian Classical, Jazz, Rock, or every genre in between.
Producer, engineer and classically trained multi-instrumentalist based in Santa Barbara, California. Apprenticed under legendary producer Jack Richardson of Bob Seger, The Guess Who and Alice Cooper fame.
I will make your tracks famous and of high quality
Recent Successes
"William is great to work with. Very responsive, fast, and has great ideas. Will definitely be continuing the project. "
"I have used up all the superlatives I know regarding Della's considerable talent. I have hired Della many times, and each time I am always MORE than satisfied with the results! She can make an average song sound GOOD,..."
"Ethan has a great voice, and did a great job on my track! Highly recommended."
"Rudi is a wonderful person and a great master- and mixing engineer ;-)"
"Great experience working with The Horn Factory on my score. Pro level performing, score prep, and engineering...as well as super easy communication. I had quite alot of music for them to turn around and they did an ex..."
"Ariel Chobaz provides industry-quality mixing services at a price that independent artists can afford. It was a pleasure working with him and I highly recommend others do so."
"Excellent work! I definitely recommend!"
"As always is great to work with Laura, she has pure talent. She's a great musician, beautiful touch on those strings and fast delivery which is very important for me! Highly recommend! "