Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rebecka Zethraeus
Hi! I´m Daniel at Grit Sounds.If you´re looking for a mixing engineer who cares for your success and has the skills to help get you a great sound, you’ve found it!
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I am professional music producer specializing in producing, mixing and mastering hip hop and trap music genres. With over 9 years of experience I have had the honor of collaborating with many well known names in the hip hop and rap industry and it would be my pleasure to work on your music project and make it a SUCCESS!
Pinehurst NC Redwood City CA North Hollywood CA
Rapper, songwriter, composer, music processor, music producer, bitmaker, mix, mastering
Whether you're an independent artist or a respected organization, let's give your next project the breakthrough it deserves! Product and detail-oriented with over 8 yrs experience (Incl. Indie and Major labels) with skills and contacts across a wide range of industries.
Signed by Strange Fruits 280K Streaming in my latest song
i am a song writer, if you have a story let me turn it into a song. no matter the genre.
freelance audio mixing engineer
Agree with the below? Let's Talk: If I've applied to record/mix your song, I love it - there's no exceptions. I want to branch out from just signed artists and work on tracks I love; at prices those artists can afford. I'm an extremely communicative engineer as I specialise in finding the sound in YOUR head - Unlimited revisions until we find it.
Recent Successes
"You will get your moneys worth 100% extremely talented she will be your best decision look no further this is it."
"The master of The Master! Another excellent production!"
"Austin did an amazing job on my track. He mixed my track clean and punchy. Thanks Austin"
"Jeff did such an outstanding job on his track, that we wanted to release it as our first single, and wanted to include him in the video. He is happy to help people with whatever they need. He's a musician's musician!"
"As always a true professional on every level, great to work with Chuck again. Highly recommend - top class stuff, Cheers"
"World Class Singer with a fast turnaround time. In addition, to performing the song beautifully, she added creative adlibs and harmonies. Highly recommend!"
"Idan is talented! High recommend! "
"Another stellar time working with John. I honestly can't say enough positive things about my experience working with him. It is truly an honor to make music with someone so talented. "
"It's been so much fun working with Pablo! It's always a great experience! Five stars as always...."
"Brandon is the best, he always comes through with dope basslines, I highly recommend!!!"