Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ramin Rezaie
I’m a house & techno oriented mixing and mastering engineer who has mixed/mastered music on labels such as Repopulate Mars, Solid Grooves, Experts Only, Armada, Solotoko, Anjunadeep, and much more.
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I've been mixing for about 2 years, and have experience with genres such as metal, grunge/indie, singer/songwriter and electronic music. I would love to get the chance to try my hands on other genres like hip hop, RnB, folk etc. I've also been playing electric bass(and some guitar) for the past 11+ years
I’m Max Revell an experienced live and studio session drummer Since 2008 I have been performing across the UK and Europe with an array of bands, artists and producers. My approach to the drums is inspired by Levon Helm, Steve Jordan, Andy Newmark & Fred Eltringham.
Music that shines and rises to the top. I put my heart and soul into every mix and make the music sing a passion that everyone can hear. Every song has a message and my goal is to make sure that message is heard with clarity.
Young experienced, versatile drummer ready to make your project the best project around
Session drummer in the Orange County / LA area
Pop Producer with my latest release being my own album that I fully produced. I work until the song is perfect. If it isn't perfect, it isn't finished.
Mix.Engineer with over 600 major label credits. Currently working at Larrabee Studios as Manny Marroquin’s Mix Assistant.
Produtor do album Hip hop de baton
Recent Successes
"Curtis was great. Really easy to approach, open to ideas and his first priority was making sure that I was happy with his work. A really easy and comfortable experience, would highly recommend Curtis for piano work."
"Elliot has mastered all of my recent releases and they are the best my music has sounded to date. His attention to taste and detail is the difference between him and the rest. Coming back v soon. "
"Nicolò did an amazing job! Very quick and efficient with his work and he truly cares about the music, perfecting every detail and working as hard as possible to make sure your vision is met. If this is your first time..."
"Iantha has an amazing voice and is an absolute pleasure to work with. I will be defiantly using her again for future projects I work on. Her turn around time for work is also fantastic."
"J.O.Y, This is my second project with J.O.Y and he came thru again! The man can flat out sing and he is true professional! I will not hesitate to work with him again! I highly recommend him! "
"Damien is a highly creative guitarist that gives you what you ask for and also brings things that you didn't expect. I enjoyed working with him and would definitely recommend him."
"Very friendly, professional and is willing to make any changes and when he does he totally understands and delivers your requests as told. Mix and masters and high quality as well."