Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rambo
Sr Ortegon: The guy behind the "Latin Flavor" of Hollywood's soundtracks !
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More than 500 realised projects of mixing and mastering music and films. Working with Emir Kusturica and No smoking orchestra, Partybreakers, Van Gogh, Rambo Amadeus etc, founder of Beogradska škola zvuka, full professor at Academy of arts Novi Sad.
Get high quality, clean and alive mixes that are ready for radio/sync. Buggy Ocran is a professional mixing/recording/mastering engineer and music producer based in the New York area. He worked at Quad Studios interning under some of the best engineers in NYC. His most recent mixes include Bronxlyn's (Album: AKATA and EP: SuperBlack, Motivated)
With 20 years of sharpened professional experience composing, mixing, and mastering cutting-edge tracks for the likes of BMW, Sony, Warner Bros & Movie Trailers such as RAMBO and INGLORIOUS BASTARDS to name a few -- I bring a new Creative outlook as producer enhanced with sharpened engineering skills which bring your songs life and to standout.
I Promise I will help elevate the way you hear music . Their is not a genre of music, I can't make I have almost 200 Songs on Instagram @RamboRockitmusic. Let's Collaborate 🚀🚀💯👈
Music Producer, Multi-Instrumentalist, Beatmaker, and Mixer “I’m a passionate about sound in any of its manifestations. I don´t believe in purity but in mixtures and for me sound is shape, colour and texture“
Hello, Im 88Rambo and I have the third ear. I have recorded and mixed over 5,000 songs. I specialize in taking your song to the next level sonically and creatively. Production / Mixing / Mastering - Credits : G Herbo , Stove God , Rick Ross & Hundreds of Local Chicago Artists
Boris Edgardo Lopez Vargas (born June 15, 1978), known professionally as Dj Trambo, is a Salvadorean/Canadian dj and music producer. Born in El Salvador and raised in Toronto, Canada, he entered the world of music production with his work on Livin It Up - Vasco Feat Holly Wolf Dj Trambo Remix.
Mixing and master engineer, urban and electronic music producer.
Recent Successes
"Can't say enough good things. Love his voice, professionalism, taste, work ethic. excellent guitar and clean classy production sound - Drew is the best"
"Second round working with Idan and better than ever! This man is phenomenally talented and a cool dude to boot! Thanks for everything Idan!"
"Awesome voice, super fast feedback. Was a real pleasure to work with her! Will contact you soon again :)"
"This is my third time working with Killian! There is no doubt that he is a creative genius and his sound is authentically different, refreshing and very musical. He was able to transform my bare acoustic songs into a..."
"I haven't considered working with another mastering engineer since Fred started helping us! He is highly skilled, highly professional, and gracious. My music wouldn't have nearly the same impact if Fred wasn't involve..."
"My second song with Ziv. So that says it all. Thoughtful parts. Fire tones. Great playing. Fast delivery. I appreciate it all - thanks Ziv!"
"Elliot did a great job mastering my song! He understood right away what I wanted and he was very efficient! Really easy to communicate with him and he responds quickly. I will definitely hire him again in the future!"
"Kate did a superb job recording vocals for my track. I had the lead melody written but needed help with background vocals. After getting a feel for the song she nailed the arrangement the first time. Highly recommended!"