Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ralph TV
Im a dedicated producer and mix engineer with their finger on the pulse of modern music. Wide range of skills and tastes, my drive is to work on new music and collaborating with passionate musicians!
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Hi I'm Rito, I work out of my studio New Life Recordings. My clients range from Fox Networks to the Detroit Tigers, from indie labels to local talent. I aim to provide a great experience for my clients and work hard to provide a great end product.
Composer for media
With over two decades of experience and a proven track record of success, I'm your go-to collaborator. As highlighted by my clients, I'm known for my ability to: Interpret musical ideas and bring them to life Create a relaxed and supportive atmosphere Deliver exceptional results Let's work together to elevate your sound.
Songwriter that loves to create his own music
My Thesis Help
I help independent artists achieve high quality mixes by remaining reliable, motivating and highly aware of each clients unique situation. Here to help you achieve your vision; and I won’t be happy until your expectations of me have been blown out the water.
music producer
I am an up and coming Hip Hop music producer and mix engineer out of Los Angeles, California. I would love to get started with mixing your track and making it the best it can possibly be!
Recent Successes
"Alex is a total pro and went above and beyond with the brief - anyone who can somehow interpret our garbled notes correctly and then actually make it sound great is a genius in our eyes. Super pleased with the end pro..."
"I highly recommend Sunnie - very professional and a pleasure to work with. Her vocals are of a very high standard and fit perfectly with my track. I'm very pleased with the end result. I will definitely work with Sunn..."
"Jez is a miracle worker. I gave him lemons and he gave me back radio/spotify friendly lemonade. Not only was Jez very communicative, he was full of good ideas, and went above and beyond our expectations in taking our..."
"GEKKO is a master at production and composing and is able to incorporate your vision and dreams into a final masterpiece. "
"Vic is amazing! Our team worked with him on a song and he took the demo and gave it a new dimension. It sounds tight! He's been very accommodating and puts his heart into it. Wish you the best Vic, catch you real soon!"