Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with RALKI
Transform your tracks with a mix of artistry and technique. I specialize in mixing, mastering, and music production, blending creativity with precision. Let’s work together to elevate your sound and make your music shine. Contact me for a personalized touch and top-notch results!
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Hello! I'm Rob Legacy, a seasoned artist, producer, and songwriter with over a decade of experience. I am a well-rounded musician who recently became a part of the FVDERS Music Group. Aside from my work with various independent artists, I have had placements with Maybach Music Group's (MMG) artist Yowda, and Bay Area's own Donnie Parker.
My mixing philosophy is to be invisible. My priority is to help the artist achieve their vision, ignoring the need to put a personal stamp on the mix or attempt to make it my own. To that end, I am flexible in the methods I employ and will always defer to the tastes of the artist by understanding what's important to them in a mix.
FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS 50% OFF. Unlimited revisions. Mixing and Mastering engineer with a decades experience. Specialising in intimate and expressive performances of all genres, especially Indie Pop, singer/songwriter, rock and folk.
I am “NotStrictly”, involvement in a competition 2016 opened doors for my current catalogue. “Catchy” is a compliment from “SamJam” and it’s true that my stories give identity to the record. NotStrictly means that there is no genre that I can say is my type but just music. Your story has a story... Imagine one more time and send me a text.
Edu Helpers League is designed to provide customers with the most incredible editing and proofreading services at reasonable rates.
Hip-Hop Producer. Member of TAMIW. He worked with Shafiq Husayn (The Sa-Ra Creative Partners.)
20 million streams accross platforms, 15+ years of experience in EDM and POP music.
Recent Successes
"Looking for a low (bass) voice I found Jeffrey, who had the best suited voice for my song. He hit the low notes easily. Very good voice, fast delivery and I would work with him again if the occasion arrises."
"Mike is super talented and easy to work with for a top quality remix. He produced a remix for my song “8 Hours” and it has such a vibey kygo feel that I was looking for. I would definitely work with him again! "
"This guy is really cool ! He knows what sound is relevant now . He made me a fifth track, they all sound divine!"
"Kyle was amazing to work with! Friendly, communicative, talented ... and he even added a couple of cool suggestions I would never have thought of to make my song sound even better than I thought it could. Extremely ..."
"I had an amazing experience working with Stella! She is very professional, and she wrote very beautiful and personal lyrics for my song and I couldn't be happier with the work that she did. Overall a great job with co..."
"5 Star service. Brilliant drumming, great communication, very happy customer. Thanks Chuck!"
"Results were convincing!"
"glasscat is truly amazing to work with and is such an awesome human!! the impact her vocals had on my instrumental really blew my mind, just like the previous time I worked with her!! the emotion/talent/professionalis..."
"I needed some backing vocals for my track and Chelsea fitted the bill perfectly. Great performance and lovely person!"