Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Raindrop Music
Music Producer, Composer, Nerd. Here to help you sound your best.
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I specialize in Production, Songwriting, Recording and mix.
H. Dornell Carr is a musician, producer, writer & arranger who has traveled throughout the United States performing and recording music. He has over 20 years of experience and has worked with several major and independent artists in various genres of music. Here is a sample of my playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjyPckc1G5M
Songwriter (from soft rock to metal). Record guitars, bass, keyboards, drums and vocals. Sound engineer (recording, mixing and mastering at own home studio).
I am music .
Experienced Film Composer & Producer.
Rock, Pop-Rock/Country Mixing
Mix&Master engineer specialized in mixing, mastering, audio recording, production, editing and other audio related services.
Creative, remote Song Writer and singer
Recent Successes
"Exceeded my expectations! She was very good at communicating and her voice just fit so well with the track. Would definitely work with her again :) "
"Amazing producer and pianist "
"Paul’s amazin’! He worked tirelessly with me on our third project and I look forward to continuing making music together!"
"Project : 12 songs stem mastering with a Main & a Performance version for each + 3 Main sub versions (CD, Stream, Vinyl) + 48 & 44 exports. Result : AMAZING!!! Thanks to Wes I obtained the final pro sounding quality ..."
"He's the best. I always love to work with him."
"I just wanted to drop you a line to say a massive thank you for your incredible work! Working with you has been an absolute pleasure, and I'm seriously impressed by your talent and professionalism. The way you dive..."
"An excellent engineer! Matt went above and beyond to make the tune sound lush and exactly how I wanted it. Couldn't have hoped for a better mix and he managed it even on a tight turn around. Highly recommend!"
"She started off with great ideas that morphed into something very special. Her patience with me was welcomed because this was the first time for me in this genre. I feel we both learned alot from each other. "