Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with R0zegld
Talented and experienced Singer/Songwriter/Producer available to uplift your new work. I have been writing music since I was 7 yrs old. I work on Logic Pro as a producer, bringing years of writing, performing, and touring to my studio in Brooklyn where we will take your songs to the next level of pro production and elevate them creatively.
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Hi, my name is Teresa Andrade and I am an audio engineer, songwriter, guitarist, singer and producer. I have worked as an assistant both in large and home studios since 2006, which gave me the experience and opportunity to learn how both of these worlds function. I have now decided to start my own studio.
Pro musician composer, arranger and midifile producer. Easy to create song in any style with ideas from scratch.
Studied music for 2 years at college, then moved to London to get a degree in Music Production and Business, been recording/mixing for the past 10 years, and playing in bands alike. I have the facility to record full studio drums, electric guitars, bass (mic'd amplifiers), vocals, analogue synths and the rest!
Ciao noi siamo Jurij e Elisa e insieme siamo JURISA
I am a singer songwriter, guitarist and mix engineer
Talented and experienced Singer/Songwriter/Producer available to uplift your new work. I have been writing music since I was 7 yrs old. I work on Logic Pro as a producer, bringing years of writing, performing, and touring to my studio in Brooklyn where we will take your songs to the next level of pro production and elevate them creatively.
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He compartido estudio con Sky, Sog, Alex The Big Pieces, MauroDembow, Maki Vaez, Dj Maff, Tezzel, SagaWhiteBlack, Yelsid, Steven Montoya, Onyl, Young Fatty, Magic OTM, Lotero, Jhay Oz, entre otros artistas y productores relevantes de la escena latina.
Recent Successes
"Another great project with Austin."
"As usual, 5 star service and outcome from Sonny Black and The Hook Co. Nothing but excellent things to say about every aspect of their music demeanor. What else can be said, this is my 4th time working on a project wi..."
"Ivan did a fantastic job editing the vocals for two tracks of mine. He's an absolute champion! I highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for a helping hand to get their vocal takes sounding perfect."
"Very professional from start to finish. Everything that was done was clearly outlined, and the entire project plays seamlessly. Ready for all platforms. I'm very happy with the finished product and the way I was tr..."
"I love working with Dom- all of his songs are SUPER EPIC. Excellent skills!!!! Thank you Dom for making every song awesome and for all of your support!! I’m excited to see what awesome music comes next! "
"Professional Topline worked with me over a period of 2 weeks recording a spoken word piece in a range of textures as well as some humming phrases in different keys during the review. She didn't waste time, communicate..."
"Kevin created a hit-tier production out of my crude vocal. He's, so far, the only one I do not have to refrain from giving a long list of requirements concerning styles, harmonization, etc. So hard to imagine working ..."
"Always an exceptional job "