Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with QUIETLOVE
My goal is to bring YOUR vision to life and make genuine music together in the process. I'm a Toronto-based producer, engineer and songwriter who has collaborated with JUNO-nominated producers, songwriters, and indie artists alike. My work has received over 2.2 million streams since 2018. I specialize in pop, indie pop and R&B. Let's chat!
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20 Years + Experience. We make Records from Beats!
Nice Drums and 808's
Affordable recording/mixing engineer based in North London.
Music Producer and Beatmaker from Brazil. I also make music content on TikTok (+150k followers) and i have a independent label called Lebline Records with Producers and Engineers ready to make the best music for you. Let's work together and make something really special and sparkly!
Guitarrist with 10 years of experience, Musician, Electronic Producer and producer, i love to make music.
I can write a song about anything. I don’t want the fame I just love to write…
I didn't go to school for mixing and I still do it as good as these kids. I've been working on music since I was 10 and I have a good ear for it.
Recent Successes
"Second time working with Pip-no reason to go to another producer... he knows so much about different genres and will work with you until its just how you want it. Cant wait for our next project."
"Courtney is such a talented songwriter and singer, everything she comes up with is absolute gold! Quick & delivering quality everytime, I've already collaborated with her twice and would love to work together some mor..."
"I have tried time and time to find a quality sound engineering experience. It is so hard to find a better experience than Wes at VLM. He explained my mix in such a masterful way and gave tips. I am looking forward to ..."
"If you need an absolutely amazing vocalist with musicality then you really need look no further. Thank you Holly! "
"This is awesome!Everything is perfect!"
"A perfect and great collaboration...AGAIN!!👏👏 Thanks for everything Ben and see you soon for new musical adventures! "
"Gergö was super quick, friendly, helpful and went above and beyond with the material sent back, he has a great ear, feel & tone. I hope to work with him again!"