Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Queendompuzzle
K-pop and pop piano session songwriter and producer. If you need a K-pop or pop-style demo track, piano sessions, or any other musical service, feel free to commission me. Collaborate with a musician actively engaged in Korea's mainstream music scene. All proposals are welcome! Famous works: 2PM, QueendomPuzzle, Boys Planet
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I am a professional music producer, composer, musician, and performer. Let's collaborate to make your projects shine !!
I have recorded guitar tracks in more than 100 profesional records.
Let The Work Do The Talking.
Lewis is a professional, experienced music composer based in London.
I am a four-time Global Music Awards recipient who has been named among the top twenty international composers of 2018 by the Oticons International Jury. Armed with a Masters in Film Scoring, I aim to make music that the client can be immensely proud of, & to be a one-stop shop for your musical solutions. I invite you to listen to my demo reel.
Sound Quality not Quantity
Let’s get it raw 🐝 , beefy 🥩 & juicy 🧃 ! I’m a music lover of all kind! I compose, write and play live with my band Archi Deep (Rock Power Pop Duo). I’m also a producer & a sound engineer. I work with everyone that got passions for sound, arrangement, songwriting , composing, singing …
K-pop and pop piano session songwriter and producer. If you need a K-pop or pop-style demo track, piano sessions, or any other musical service, feel free to commission me. Collaborate with a musician actively engaged in Korea's mainstream music scene. All proposals are welcome! Famous works: 2PM, QueendomPuzzle, Boys Planet
Recent Successes
"Natalie's gave suggestions in this project just like your own project. her suggestions are highly remarkable. I really looking forward to work with you again because i enjoyed the way she's work. She is great. "
"Thanks Sam. Great first mix of a new track that is a bit of a different style for me. :) Looking forward to talking with you re those additional production ideas. "
"Knows exactly what he’s doing and he’s excellent at listening to suggestions "
"Blaze is a very willing asset."
"This guy never fails to deliver! I've got about 7 tracks signed now off the back of his incredible skills and I'm sure this one will be no different. I imagine his children will be named Pan and Decibel he's that in t..."
"Ida was such a great collaborator! Her vocals are great and she cared about the style of the song with how she applied them. "
"Another one done, with the amazing Malachi!!!!!!!"
"Glasscat was excellent to work with! Incredibly clear communication and checked in on the project frequently. On top of that, both her voice and lyric writing were incredible. Cat was the absolute best to work with in..."