Puntarenas Province Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters

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 - barb morrison

Barb Morrison received her first Gold Record in 2006. In addition to being a record producer she is also a Top 5 Billboard dance chart songwriter and is best known for lending her sound to numerous artists such as Blondie, Rufus Wainwright and L.P. She has also composed the scores for award winning films and tv shows.

Recording Studio - Springloaded

I love music and I'm in a local band, Epsom. We practice and record in my home studio and I occasionally take on outside projects. We like to collaborate too.

Recording & Production Studio - LiberationOfArtsDistrict

Top of the class producer, sound engineer and music composer with 30+ years of experience and 2 Grammy Awards won on our back!

Vocalist, Topliner, Lyricist - ELISHIA

Looking for a Vocalist, Topliner or songwriter? You've come to the right profile! I'm ELISHIA and I can't wait to work on your project with you!

Session Bass, Music Producer  - Andy Santana

I am a Cuban bassist living in Italy, who has played on several albums and singles by artists around the world like (I'm Here with the singer-songwriter Daniela Bessia, Marginales.com by Aceituna sin Hueso, Inner Life Burst, Luis Coelho's album)

Balloongator - Balloon Gator

Balloongator has a variety of products to fulfill all your online shopping needs. We offer many different categories to search through, including Home & Garden, Outdoor Furniture, and more.

Music Producer - shreyz


Hello, I'm a music producer,composer and i've recently started producing music. I usually make dance music ,pop and music inspired by the 80s.

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