Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ProTekT
I create beats because I love music
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I will record and edit your online drum session
My goal is to work closely with artists to create unique, emotion-filled musical Footmarks. I am Haven, a mixing engineer/music producer hailing from Atlanta and currently working at the infamous Icon Studios-Atlanta. I am dedicated to providing personalized service while hand carving and sculpting dynamic mixes and productions for my clients.
I am a Juno Award and Polaris Music Prize winning Producer and Audio Engineer. Among collaborating with 2oolman of A Tribe Called Red, Juno & Polaris Prize nominated Snotty Nose Rez Kids, I have worked with artists stylistically ranging from Dancehall and Hip Hop, to EDM and Pop. In essence, I make your music sound and feel as good as it can.
I have worked with labels like Interscope Records, Universal Music Group and Sony Music Entertaiment as a ghostwriter. Additionaly, I have over 650 5-star reviews on my fiverr songwriting Page.Expanding my business with Soundbetter. Specialize in Juice WRLD, The Kid LAROI and Iann Dior type songs but do it all ranging from Drake to Justin Bieber.
I make sure that our song gonna be unique and stand out from the others If you are doing those kind of music, let’s have a little chat.
LM2music studios
Effective Logic Pro Synth Tracks
Musico percusionista de musica latina, baterista y productor de buenos aires argentina, actualmente tocando con la orquesta delio valdez y tercos. mas de 10 años de trayectoria y en constante movimiento
Recent Successes
"Was a complete joy to work with and will come back again when more work needs doing!"
"What a fabulous artist! It started with excellent communication about the project and ended with wonderful vocals. Can't wait to work on the next one!"
"I liked working with David so much from the very first song that I made a decision to make a full album with him! What I liked most about him is that he is very quick, flexible, easy-going and patient - what is most i..."
"This is a guy who knows what he is doing! extremely talented. If you are looking for quality work, hit up Elliot pronto!"
"What more can I see about G. He is CLASS personified. Ran into a few issues getting session files correctly to him, he sent us multiple revisions and worked with us endlessly to achieve a kick ass product. The absolut..."
"always so helpful and awesome to work with!"
"Thank you so much! He was very polite and kind and sounded great. And he gave me a lot of advice on many things. I would like to ask them to do mastering again."
"KORA is an amazing vocalist.She did a great job with the project she worked on for me.I am very content with her work and delivery and I am giving her another project to work on for me again in less than 24 hours...."
"Absolutely amazing. True professionalism and phenomenal talent. Bobby has the potential of making your song from being good to a hit. "