Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Prohibido
Stinging Lyrics
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I have been writing music and engineering for 14 years. With over 250 songs written no genre is out of reach! I have a passion for making good songs great songs. Let me help you sound exactly the way you imagined.
I’m Khalilah, I also go by Kali. Music allows my compelling vision to paint a picture as a captivating songwriter/vocalist. Recognized by Jennifer Lopez and several producers. As a vocalist, I've appeared on multiple television programs such as Apollo (4x winner), Teen Summit (1st place winner viewers choice), Rosie ODonnell w/Brandy & Ray J
I am a highly skilled and experienced studio vocalist, ready to lend my talents to your projects. With my broad vocal range and versatility in various musical styles, I can provide exceptional lead vocals, backing vocals, and harmonies to elevate your tracks, plus steel or nylon guitar recordings.
Experience in this for 15 years.
Get professional studio recordings without leaving the comfort of home.
Hey, I'm Tim. I've been working professionally in music for over 10 years as an artist, writer, producer, singer and instrumentalist. I'd love to help you take your music to the next level, in whatever manner you need!
Hello! My name is Misha and I have been writing and producing music for the last 10 years. I have been playing guitar for about the same time and have written countless songs. I would love to produce your track and write your desired song as I am very passionate about songwriting. Have a woundeful day!
music is life
Recent Successes
"Ben is a brilliant singer! Wonderful technique and good communication! I highly recommend him. "
"Emma is very easy to work with very warm and showing full of energy to put in hard work on you project until you are happy with , also she can make a very good team working with you and i will recommend any one who ..."
"Another great job!"
"I love the way Riley makes my voice sound, the effects and tuning he uses really takes each production to the next level. He also adds interesting vocal chops and sounds into the mix which create layers of texture. Th..."
"Simply "best I ever had". ;) Peter delivers what you want and need. That's it, that's the tweet (meme intended). He is quick, forthcoming, creative and approaches your track like it would be one of his own, which wa..."
"JOSEPH got back to me so quickly to do an interview for my school and he did an amazing job. Definitely recommend "
"Matt is a joy to work with; he’s patient, knowledgeable and has provided a fantastic mix for my track. It’s given me some much needed confidence in myself, and I will definitely look to work with him in the future! "
"We asked Jessica to not only produce but also be the sole performer and vocalist for a song we wrote that needed a current sound. She was very professional and super easy to work with...and patient with us and willing..."
"Excellent vocalist. Would recommend her for any project!"