Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Producer of Bossada "Cantina Days"
Professional musician and producer with a unique sensitivity for sound and musical storytelling. I will work with you to make sure your music becomes an extension of your artistic vision. My specialty lies in characterful and warm soundscapes somewhere between electronic sounds and acoustic music.
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More providers:
Recording and music production studio, remote mixing and mastering, soundtracks and themes
I am DJ, Music Producer, and Model that will get your tracks laid out and made for you to create upon your music to make me happy.
I would like to focus my work as a mixing engineer on projects I believe in. I would like to be inspired by my client's work and help them achieve what they have in mind. My goal would be to turn a great piece of music into a great sounding piece of music. I will make this happen by my extensive technical knowledge and my sense of creativity.
Compose, produce, arrange custom music/soundtracks.
I'm a Producer, Songwriter and Musician, but not necessarily in that order.
I've been a guitar player and producer for 10+ years and I love to record loops to be turned into hip-hop and pop beats.
Production duo with millions of streams and multiple label placements wants to produce your songs!
I'm a professional bass, violin & viola player, and voice arranger, based in Buenos Aires - Argentina. Since graduating from the School of Music of Buenos Aires (EMBA), i have been busy as a sideman and session player, having partcipating for many bands and Symphonic orchestras in Buenos Aires and other cities of Argentina.
Recent Successes
"Bailey did an amazing job. The vocals were so clear and powerful. Will work with her again for sure!!"
"Liz just completed recording the cello part for a 5-movement cello concerto, including cadenzas and with may very exposed and nearly impossible passages, and managed to pull everything off beautifully, full of express..."
"It was a pleasure working with Fred! He was quite professional when communicating and worked swiftly when the next set of my notes were given to him for the next mix. Throughout the week, it was a struggle to figure o..."
"It was my first time working with Tim. He handled the masters of my first album (for both digital platforms and vinyl). And there's only great things to say: Beside his master skills which are !top class! - he's be..."
"Antonio is a magician! Super professional, next level, very patient. He helped me transform my music to the highest quality. Respect"
"Amazing vocals by this pro again! Thank you! Full recommendation."
"Aaron was awesome! He won't let you down! "