Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Produced records for Arista
Mixing and Mastering
Devin DeVore - TSC | Trinity Sound Company, Anaheim Hillsfavorite_borderfavoriteI am the driving force behind TSC, a thriving and innovative company providing production for major, indie, broadcast, and other forms of digital distribution. The company is a full scale production company based in Southern California with a rich history in studio production, remote recording, and system design.
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"Black Diamonds Power Trio" : bassist, guitarist and drummer from popular Boston area youth band Black Diamonds. Wolfgang, Henry and Nick have been performing together for 7+ years and are a tight, powerful, professional band. BDPT are making themselves available to solo artists or shows/events who need a reliable backing band.
I run a recording studio in Sacramento, CA. I also do mixing, editing and production for people all over the country.
I have a degree in Recording and Mixing Engineering and over 10 years of experience in making and producing records. Mixing is one of the biggest pleasures I have in my life. I love giving a song the last final touches so it becomes something that will give goose bumps to everybody who is going to listen.
Hey Im Razzie A Christian Rapper from Miami, FL. My music is all about bridging the gaps between the punch of modern hip-hop and the grit of the golden age sound, going for catchy, yet direct and edgy approach. I have stylish flows mixed with Hip Hop’s vibrant new school sound. Credits: H.E.R, Rick Ross, Cardi B, Fat Joe, Kodak Black
If you're looking for an Ariana Grande kind of vocals - I probably won't be the right fit. But if you need cinematic, ethereal vocals (Lisa Gerrard) or other unique, raw, emotional styles - I will be your gal.
The sound of my voice is my most powerful tool. It can carry a lot of emotions encase of its warmth, its raspiness on different notes but also because of my capability to feel empathy. I started rapping when I was 17 but everyone told me I shouldn't waste my voice on this because of my ability to touch souls with the sound of my singing voice.
Signed in the biggest music label in Poland - SBM. Worked with known artists and producers worldwide
Urban music producer with 5 years of experience. Create energetic and addictive beats with Latin and modern influences. Worked with both up-and-coming and established artists. Let's make your music pop!
Recent Successes
"It's very rare that you find someone who understands your vision better than yourself. When I met Robert, honestly, I did not expect to work with someone who is just that. Someone who would well exceed all of my expec..."
"Jordan is THE MAN! He picks up on influences very well while still maintaining his characteristic style. For example, you can tell him "think Dave Grohl" and he'll come up with a part that fits that framework whil..."
"A very gifted artist. Wayne genuinely listens to your vision and makes it come to life. When tweaks are desired its easy to communicate with him and achieve the desired results. I highly recommend his services. "
"I enjoyed working with Fred G of PCT Recordings. He was a pleasure to work with and he understood my vision to make my song exactly what I desired. God bless you Fred G! I recommend you all to check him out for any pr..."
"Jason is absolutely the best! His mixes / mastering are too shelf, and he is an absolute pleasure to work with. Can’t wait to start another project, and work with him again. This needs album is by far the best soundi..."
"Another highly satisfactory task completed by Javi! His work is always top level, and if there's any revisions needed, he seems to do it within no time and without any trouble! There will be a lot more work coming his..."
"Wow, Chloe was exceptional with her outstanding vocals! Her voice is like that of an angel, and she's an absolutely wonderful person to work with too. Amazing top quality recordings from Chloe and a true pleasure to h..."
"Having worked with Tom on several projects I can honestly say that he's the man! He has no problem changing or doing anything extra to make sure I have what I need for my song. I highly recommend Tom!"