Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with PrettySpookyGhost
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**FREE**Your First Drum Tracking Is Totally Free. I am giving away better drum tracks than you can buy. Real, live drum tracks! If you don’t love what I do you can trash them without loosing. You want soul, pocket and feeling? If your drums aren’t awesome, your project suffers. Most likely it will be tossed aside! All because the drums are Subpar.
Co-Founder of Music Production Company The91West in Orange County, CA -Credit- Production : EXO, EXO-CBX, TVXQ, Super Junior, Sky-Hi from AAA (Japan) TV / Film : Sundance Award Winning Film Gook, Miss Purple, Alpha Dog, Sons of Anarchy, KDrama Mad Dog Engineering : Alice Cooper, Bruno mars, 1500 or Nothin', Kara Dioguardi, B2K, Dru Hill
The Richest Waves is a producer, writer, artist duo that will help you take your sound from idea to final master. Comprised of Producer/Drummer/Keyboard player Kent Narrows and Vocalist/Guitarist/Bassist Pace The Maker, we will make your sound unique and get you to the finish line.
Acoustic specialist, love working with unique songwriters and going for accurate but interesting sounds. Have worked with over 60 acts on live shows, albums, and motion pictures. Have been musical director for several major concerts including Celtic Connection’s’ opening concert.
I'm a musician/composer, mixing and mastering engineer originally from Argentina, currently located in Berlin. I work mainly scoring and doing sound design for films, dance plays and videogames, and also doing artistic production, mixing and mastering for singles and albums. So far I've participated in over 250 releases with international artists.
Experienced artist and creator, excelling in Hip Hop and R&B writing, production, and mixing. I have amassed a multitude of placements over recent years including Fast X, HBO Max, Hulu, Netflix trailers, and multiple television shows. 16 years of experience in writing, and 8 years in mixing.
- Electronic Music Ghost producer - Guitarist - Singer - Mix Engineer
Transform your music with expert production and sound design! I’m Diego San Marcos, a music producer and musicologist with 4+ years of experience in delivering high-quality tracks. Let's elevate your project to the next level.
Recent Successes
"Lynz did a fantastic job mixing and mastering my tracks! She basically read my mind with regard to most of what I wanted, and when I needed a few changes she implemented them perfectly. I made a special request about ..."
"I tell you, I have never had a track sound this good. Gerard is the number 1 Stunner lol. Hire him!!!! "
"Shrai never ceases to amaze me, sound design always amazing, always creative and always brings what you’re looking for to life! "
"Jon is an awesome drummer, a creative intellect, a fantastic engineer who knows exactly how to capture a beautiful drum sound, and a genuinely nice guy to work with. Five stars!"
"Josh has become an indispensable member of this project and adds so much to everything. He always puts time and effort into his work that definitely shows in the results."
"Thank you Léna for taking direction and capturing the essence of what I was looking for "
"Rioux V was awesome to work with, great rap vocalist and got the vibe of our song on the first take...highly recommended!"
"Great work, met my expectations!"
"Leandro delivered an excellent piano track full of emotion and good taste. I'm sure we will keep collaborating with him in the future."
"Another home run hit by Scott on our latest project. Time and time again, he always exceeds my expectations. The man is prolific here on SoundBetter for a reason! Hit him up for your next project! "