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Prato Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Green Alderson is Vancouver’s new favourite band, with Pop-Grunge tunes that speak to the heart of who we are and what we love. We’re a four piece band of pre-established recording artists; each member has achieved success across western Canada but we’ve come together as one unit in order to give off something unique - Street Soul!
I`m a Singer Songwriter and Artist hungry for new Experiences. I'm able to sing write in English and German I've got a Home Studio and basic Recording Skills. I`d love to jump on a Track of yours.
Here is a link to my Spotify Music. This is my style, but I am versatile. https://open.spotify.com/album/5oDPW0LRbZqTck65FjNIKB?si=NUteVU6vT2OkLRoosD6G5Q
Im a musician/composer/producer from BA, Argentina,I own Jopo Musica Recording Studios (instagram.com/jopomusica) with my two brothers . I can record electric, acoustic guitars, nylon and,slide guitars, Lap Steel or dobros. In addition to this i can also write horn arrangements if needed. instagram.com/agusdecarli
It's all about to understanding the project and being creative with it, however produce and mix the song is the other face of the same process, so that's my coin.
In addition to solos, I record several doublings, using different techniques and instruments, in order to create a string ensemble.
Just checking this out for now. More details to come.
High quality and fast work
Recent Successes
"I've had two songs mixed by Don now and all I can say is he's the best mixing engineer/ producer I've worked with. He has a knack for taking my comments, comparisons, metaphors and analogies and incorporating them int..."
"Very professional, the workflow was smooth with good communication and the master sounds amazing. Will come back for sure!"
"Giancarlo was super easy to work with, made all the necessary revisions very fast. I had a lot of revision requests and he was extremely nice and helpful throughout the whole process. I would definitely recommend him ..."
"Wonderful lyrical phrasing, classy taste, and just great overall musicality! The recordings are of top-notch audio quality, and Joe is very professional and an absolute pleasure to work with! Would reccommend!"
"Amazing job, I'm really impressed with the work ethic and effort!!! Highly recommended :)"
"As always, I can count completely on Luis, as he always delivers top-notch work!"
"Professional. Fast. Precise. Kind. Easy going. I highly recommend working with Jack. Super happy with the outcome :)"
"Excellent sound processing! Charly definitely knows what he is doing! He is a true inspiration for me!"
"I've had the pleasure to work with Alex many times over the last few years and it's always been a breeze. He brings the perfect sound and feel to any music, and I trust him fully. On top of that he is a great guy and ..."