Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pour VeniZ.e
Here to make music that means something to you, creatively and professionally.
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Music Producer, Beat Maker & Guitarist based in Bogotá Colombia, i have a lot of experience in electronic music, Pop, Latin Caribbean music, Reggaeton and more genres, senior producer of one of the best recording studios in Colombia, i'll be very glad to work in your project!.
I am a professional vocalist, recording artist, songwriter, music consultant and coach. With my many years of experience I understand the music industry, and with my background in vocal music and piano I strive for the best in everyone and every project I do.
Looking for vibraphone, marimba, glockenspiel, or keys?
Do you want a cellist who's performed with Yo-Yo Ma? John Legend? Do you want a cellist who is competent in remote recording? A cellist thats performed on sessions for Comedy Central and feature films? Thats me!
Hey there! I'm a music producer coming on 7 years. I've been composing various genres since I was 13 and I'd be willing to lend a hand to musicians who aren't fond of, or lack the tools to mix and master their work. I've already made the upfront investments on the expensive tools.
i made an impressive hip hop sample from my country's traditional instrument and edm sample which i had a recognition from a music school in us.anyways, i developed the skill producing any types of music styles (genres) for songwriter and performer.
I'll mix your song and take it to the industry standard level. Bringing to life your vision of the song.
I'm a professional Double bass player with experience in rock, jazz, tango and pop
Recent Successes
"Ghian mastered 9 songs for me. He did a great job, the songs sound awesome! Great communication, he responds to messages quickly. He was receptive to the sound I was going for, and he delivered. Quick turnaround and p..."
"Studio Torrent helps me to upgrade my track, with a great mixing and mastering. The job was done fast, he took time to explain all the stuff he did. A perfect balance between my brief/requests and their idea/improveme..."
"Hallelujah!!!!! Thank You Andres and your team for a good experience.... Your work is great. And mixing tips invaluable. Thanks once again for really giving a golden shine to this piece."
"GEKKO is brilliant at his craft. He has a wonderful sense of beat and harmony. Professional, Clear, Communicative, Thorough, Friendly, and Efficient! Would happily work with him again any day! "
"We keep coming back for a reason. Facundo is a real pro and it is shown in his work. He makes our tracks sound like an incredibly professional and modern product. "
"Kimera was an absolute pleasure to work with, absolutely AMAZING voice which really helped the track come to life, her response time was very fast, she has a great personality, and was very easy to work with. I highly..."
"It was great to meet with Gekko and discuss how to move forward with the song I wrote. He was very clear about everything, very professional and a great communicator. I’m really excited to get my first song produced b..."