Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with pop artist
I produce music for the Nr.1 Ayahuasca Healing Center in the World, and Collaborated with Global Artists and Professional Orchestras. Bringing your musical vision to life with top-tier production quality. I'm a specialist in turning your ideas into great music
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Written for Atlantic Records, an artist on Def Jam Recordings and several other Independent artists.
Hi! I'm a Toronto-based producer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and vocalist. I've spent my entire life making music and for the past 19 years, I've been busy in Canada as a session musician, band-leader, songwriter, beatmaker and producer. I love creating constantly and I'd like to collaborate here on Soundbetter with people across the globe.
Estoy en la industria de la producción musical, con participaciones en un par de play list.
Twice winner of BBC Jazz Awards 'Vocalist of The Year' & Seasoned Session Singer for 30 years for Platinum-Selling World-Class Pop-Artists.
Pop , Rock , Singersongwriter, commercials ,stockmusic. I play guitar,bass,keys,drums vocals.
Half-Day Studio Sessions in Cozy Heidelberg Studio Looking to bring your music to life? I'm a songwriter and music producer & educator. join me in the studio!
Engineered for 1000+ artists from all over the globe, Millions of streams across all streaming platforms, over 10 years of professional experience
Studio owner. Justin Bieber/Dylan Matthew Range. EDM, D&B, Acoustics. Spanish/English.
Recent Successes
"Worked with Tempo again. He is always professional and super quick turnaround. Will do more business once again in the near future."
"Very very very professional, loved to be working with 8th and their team. Never been so satisfied with anyone, keep up the good work. highly recommending them to anyone! :) "
"Working with William is always an amazing experience! He is my go-to guy for guitars! There is nobody I would rather work with when it comes to getting great guitar tracks! Along with the guitars he provided excellent..."
"Sean also delivers great tracks; can also count on him! He is a super talented, creative musician and a very friendly teamplayer to work with. Highly recommended! "
"Our collaboration with Vincent is not the first one and each time this work is done with seriousness and the result is perfect... thank you very much Vincent; I am impatient to work with you again."
"It was fantastic to work with Melissa. She has an amazing voice and an the recording sound very professional. I can totally recommend her!"
"Wow!!!!! Maxi is an absolute legend and so so so talented. He is very patient and cooperates so well. I made heaps of changes to my song and he patiently corrected all of them till the song was perfect. Defs a keeper!..."