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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Polash
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Buenos Aires based jazz guitarist and composer.
Whats up Family, its Preston Harris. I've worked all over this music world with such artists as Kendrick Lamar, Goapele, Trinidad James, even writing for Zendaya, Keke Palmer and Mary J Blige. I'm a humble Grammy Nominated background vocalist pushing forward in greatness.
Fast learning studio/demo singer. Creative, original and unique songwriter/artist.
Quality on demand. Work done for countless artists such as Rory Hope, St. Louis and AMiR. Specialising in Pop, R&B and Soul.
Hi! I'm Jin Kim, Music Producer and Songwritter from South Korea. I have collabed with Kayla, RUACH, AllThou. Produced various music for contents creators such as, K-Pop in English, JTBC, Yoo's Beauty. Primary genres are Pop, R&B, House and lo fi music.
Motor Insurance Singapore
KEVIN GZ es un productor, cantante y compositor de la escena Argentina. Proveniente de La Matanza, Buenos Aires.
Recent Successes
"Boi Yaye is an amazing Engineer.....my music came out awesome The turnaround was quick and he was so professional. "
"Did a fantastic job! Quick responses every time, and overall a great experience to work with, he went above and beyond the job description and brought my vision of the song to life by using his own vision and expertis..."
"Adaptable to any request you may have on the project! "
"Todd is a nice guy and I am very happy with my tape masters. Fast too!"
"Another masterpiece by Camilo. Great ears and quick turn around. I'm using Camilo for all the songs of my album. The master is warm, defined and big. Camilo is always professional and offers great advice on mixes also..."
"Jess’ is a “freak” when it comes to singing. She added a touch or “chic” to our disco house joint . Arman van helden will “freak out” on this one . Serious talk Jess got a power full voice she came with dope melody..."
"you're absolutely amazing Simon, no-one has your talent it is unmatched"
"This guy is one of THE BEST!! Second track just finished up with him! Don’t think twice if he available!!"
"Curtis is amazing! Fast, professional, friendly and amazing at what he does. Must work with him!"
"Patrick is an absolute professional. He has extensive abilities on the piano and he really, really plays for the song."