Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Polarr - 17
Recording studio specializing in editing, mixing and mastering (analog and digital) : 19 years experience with all music genres and a particular expertise in modern music (Pop, Rap, R&B, Electronic Music, Funk, Soul). Trusted and recognized for our attention to detail and high level of seriousness.
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Hi, I'm Ath and through Guitar SeshWorks I offer pro quality guitar recording services from my home studio. I take great pride in helping music professionals fulfil their artistic vision and I will be honoured to be given the opportunity to work on your next project.
Providing you with clear, powerful, and balanced mixes for your music.
I produce high quality music whilst recording every instrument myself
I am a drummer/producer of 10 years specializing in indie, rock, funk, and singer/songwriter, with my kit set up in a 70 year old church.
I will help you complete your work exactly how you want.
Are you searching for the final touch that will elevate your music to its full potential? Look no further! As a dedicated mastering engineer, I am passionate about bringing out the best in your tracks. With years of experience and a keen ear for detail, I specialize in enhancing the clarity, depth, and dynamics of your music, ensuring it shines on
Best bass line for your track!
Audio Engineer for over 15 years both in the Military and Civilian. Mix and Mastered over 10 CDs for the Military. Recorded, Edited, and Mixed hundreds of sessions and Trained over 40+ in Protools and Mixing/Editing.
Recent Successes
"Don is the real MVP! He works really fast and always make sure the artist is satisfied. He pays attention to every single detail and mixes very well. I started to work on 1 song with him ,but I'm about to start a n..."
"Austin is simply the best producer in SB. He knows what his client is looking for and his experience as producer give him the possibility to produce everything he wants. Austin: the Top One! :-)"
"Nate did a great job bringing complete clarity to my previous distorted mixing. Track sounds great."
"I have worked with Neel several times during the past year and it is always a great pleasure. His masters, communication, and creative ideas are always right on point and lead to fantastic results, full 5 stars!"
"We were delighted with Sefi's work and will definitely use his work again in the future. Our genre is Rocknroll/Hard rock, and though he's not an expert in this genre, we had a hunch he would do a great job. The first..."
"Ronaldo, is a SUPER STAR! if you are looking for a kick ass organ player with that gritty distortion heavy modded organ sound., he's got it down! if you want that clean beautiful vintage organ sound as well, he wil..."