Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cjae & Ariana Celaeno - Glow Stick (Prod. StarzinDaSkyz)
Recording studio specializing in editing, mixing and mastering (analog and digital) : 19 years experience with all music genres and a particular expertise in modern music (Pop, Rap, R&B, Electronic Music, Funk, Soul). Trusted and recognized for our attention to detail and high level of seriousness.
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I have the credentials, skills, good attitude and love for music to bring your vision to life
Nothing is better than collaborating with great artists, making the music you love. I worked with: Andreas Kümmert (Voice Of Germany Winner) Simon Erics (Gold Record Sweden) Francis 35 (Songwriter USA) Cande De Rouge (Songwriter Celine Dion etc, Germany) Adam Kesselhaut (Songwriter Seeed, USA, Germany) etc
I am very versatile and can make any genre sound great, but I do specialize in CCM, Gospel, Hip Hop, Pop, and Dark Pop..
Session instrumentalist specializing in piano/keyboard work, but also composition work. I am currently in the process of writing a large concept album that I have written the music for myself using piano as my primary composition instrument.
"BLUES GUITAR BROUGHT INTO THE 21ST CENTURY' Hello I'm Zack.. I've been playing guitar professionally for 10 years and have many genres/styles under my belt. I am confident I can take your music to new heights. I'm influenced by Peter Green, Mark Knopfler, BB King, Mike Campbell & Jimmy Page.
I specialize in saxophone solos for songs in hip hop/rap, pop, and more. I have played in musical scenarios such as musicals, session recordings, jazz bands, symphonic orchestras, and chamber ensembles. I have been a musician in various ensembles under world-renowned musicians such as Ted Sperling, Dr. Jason Noble, Paul Cohen, and more.
Composer and music producer with experience in cinema, tv and commercial motion pictures.
Recent Successes
"I Highly recommend Vermaas Audio, as my experience was both professional and interactive. He took my home recording and brought it up to a radio quality master, with a very short turnaround. He answered any questions ..."
"Good job, very professional."
"John was super helpful & knew exactly what I wanted. We barely had to go back and forth he’s that good! He genuinely cares about the song and puts the work in. Thank you so much! "
"Alexa is the best honestly she is amazing and does a great job if your looking for someone to compose and write a song for you Alexa is the best person for the job. I trust her fully when it comes to writing songs for..."
"As always, great work. "
"Really enjoyed working with Max. He helped me with an arrangement of a song, and also came up with a couple of suggestions that, I think, made the song better. :)"
"Bob was amazing to work with, the best of a professional."
"My song was mixed out of the garage and into the stadiums Darrell!!! Thank you Sir! Throughout the entire process, Darrell was super accommodating of my tweaks, willing to try some things, was really fast (one-day ..."
"He understands the intentions of the composer and delivers the best possible results. He is particularly great at writing lyrics and writes them like beautiful poetry. In addition, he sings harmony very well. He is th..."
"Was awesome to work with! His style/voice really fit the vibe I was going for! Very excited to listen to work with Again!"