Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with polak
Recording, mixing and mastering
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Music is life! Ive been creating underground hip hop music since I was 15, and 23 years later, Ive never had another job. Besides the 30+ albums Ive recorded on my own and with sub groups, Ive done work for/with John Cena, Pretty Lights, Slightly Stoopid, Murs, Evidence, EL-P, Bass Nectar, Zion-I, The Grouch, Alam Khan, Amp Live, Living Legends
You Need A Producer / Mixer / Engineer…...Right? ……..There's a ton of guys on here to help! Drop by, take a listen and see If you feel we could work together
Sao Paulo-based, with 20 years of experience playing, recording and teaching. Specialized in rock, metal and brazilian music. Currently able to record at my own studio. Hope we can work together in creating some amazing music!
Hi, I am really looking forward to working with you. My goal is to add my energy to your songs and ensure you're 100% happy with the result. I have over 2 decades of experience under my belt and worked with some of the best musicians in the music biz. I am available for any style of music.
Professional Drumming, Outstanding Recordings.
I'm a music producer specializing in pop music, but with the ability and versatility to turn your idea, no matter the genre, into the track you imagine in your head.
Arista cantautor de música urbana con gran poder en la composición y dirección de producciones audio visuales.
Cyber Polak living in an ultra-connected world in the year 2077. His reality exceeds fiction and he invites you to plug into his Netrunner brain in order to surpass your limits, discover advanced technology and a body with powerful cybernetic implants. Welcome to its futuristic vision. May the 777 bring you the answers of the future.
Recent Successes
"Once again Nacho did everything he could and had no problems with making changes I asked for. Up to the next song. ;-)"
"Brent will give you the best quality.Trust. Understood what sound i wanted and i received more satisfaction from the mix than i expected Great Engineer right here."
"Bram is amazing in mastering, he's pushing songs to a complete new level. And he's very quick, also in writing back. So 5 stars from me"
"So good. He took exactly what we wanted and made it exactly what we wanted. He's awesome. "
"Gideon was very quick to respond and turn around what was needed. His tone is wonderful and all I had to do was drag and drop his files. He also engineered himself wonderfully. If you need tuba, this is your guy!"
"This is my third time working with Hugo Lee. He keeps delivering in a very professional way as he always been since i first work with him. His passion is always present in his work and the way he carries it. I am grat..."