Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Poet Voices
Nashville based session vocalist ready to enhance your next project. Whether you need background vocals, choir vocals, a demo singer, or someone to help vocally amplify your project, I am your person.
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I have more than a decade of experience to help your recordings sound the best they can.
Mixing and mastering and Dolby Atmos delivery of dance music from a producers perspective with over 20 years experience in the game with top names under my belt such as Balance, All Day I Dream, Trybes Of, Beat n Path Tracks ready for digital release and Vinyl.
The music Battal creates showcases strong songwriting - in which he tries to cope with his own emotions, pain, hatred, racism and love - catchy melodies and emotive vocals. His songs are dedicated to everyone, who don't feel accepted, who are different; to outsiders - those, who dance and sing in the back of the room - just like him.
Whether you are looking to take your lyrics to another level, or write a full song beginning to end with a fresh new melody.. perhaps you have the melody but no lyrics? I can help you. Review your lyrics and request changes or options, and make the final choices yourself. That simple, that easy. Finish that song today.
I live in the areas where Jazz, Blues, and Rock all merge to add unique character and interest to a song. My goal as a guitarist is to not over-shadow a track, but make what is already there shine brighter.
I am a very enthusiastic person, I've always had good communication, also I can speak English and Spanish very fluently. I consider myself as innovative and experimental with the projects I've worked on, without losing the feeling that has been printed on the music of my client, I can work on pressure with no problem and I always enjoy my work
Recording and mix engineer heard on BBC TV, Netflix, Channel 4 and BT Sport as well as national radio play on BBC Radio 1, 2, 6, Radio X and KEXP. Worked alongside several major and indie labels such as Sony, Universal, EMI, Virgin, Rough Trade, Sonic Cathedral & Clue Records. I work hard to make sure you leave happy with the finished product!
Multi award winning South African rock producer and mixer with multiple iTunes nr 1 hits.
Recent Successes
"Jessica was great and she did a wonderful job on my song. She is so talented and she delivered more than what I expected. I am so excited that I used her on this track. I will definitely use Jessica again!!"
"Macau and Nathalie Q did an extremely professional job on flipping a song for me. They converted it from a pop song to a Latin flavored reggaeton which is exactly what I needed to shop the song to an specific artist. ..."
"Solid aesthetics and results. Communication was subpar however."
"Better than I even expected! And I expected it to be great. Superb work and even more than I asked for."
"William is an awesome violinist and he is great to work with. I highly recommend William for your next violin/viola project. "
"Bram is 8K in a low-res world! Outstanding job once again from TMIS, I can not be more happy with the end result! <3"
"Harold d. I always get professional recordings from Lorne MacDougall. Also his collaboration and artistic interpretation and humor is great fun. I get absolutely usable recording works for my track mixes every time. "
"Dennis is one of the best in the business and it is very evident by the tracks he thoughtfully composes. Such a privilege to get to work with him!"
"Great to work with Ben again. Very responsive and talented."