Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with pmlit
I am a music producer in charge of taking your ideas and projects to the highest standards of music. I stand out in the production of beats of any urban genre (rap, trap, RnB, reggaeton, dancehall, afro beats, afro dance, and more) in addition to executing a very good editing of voices, mixing and mastering, complying with the times of the artist.
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Loves to work on any genre of music! Specializes in drum performance and beats. Willing to take on new roles as far as producing!
If you're looking for groovy beats and production to your songs, then I'm your guy! I am a producer with over 10 years of experience making Pop, House, Hip Hop, EDM etc. Since years back I've been working with some of the biggest labels producing and writing songs in multiple genres. I want to help your songs sound fresh like on radio.
I can record guitars, vocals, or produce the song you want. I assure you that you will be satisfied.
I specialize in the art of delivering stylish, expressive, flashy, and musical guitar playing that will help take any song to the next level.
Fresh-sounding latin music producer that will make you sound finesse and expensive.
I am a Hip Hop/Pop music producer who worked with artists like Rhyan Besco, AlmostWorthy ...
Recent Successes
"Friendly service and excellent quality!"
"Pure professional, true to his word Unlimited revisions with no complaints There's a reason why he's the #1 engineer on soundbetter. "
"This is the second time I've worked with Nate. I have to say, he really delivers. Quick turnaround. Great tracks. A total pleasure to work with."
"Truly an artist! That's not often something that can be said about engineers. Really appreciate her patience in taking the time to get things just right. Will always come back for more."
"Great vocals, fast turn around... will deff work with again!"
"I didn't only receive two incredible sounding tracks, but also learned very much from Kuyano. He is very helpful and gives a lot more dan he takes. "
"Hanna is a very talented artist, very professional and easy to communicate with. She took time to understand what I was looking for, and she is very clear concerning the schedule. What a pleasure Hanna ! "
"It's been great working with Ziv again. Such a perfect attitude and so understanding when it comes to the vision I have. Looking forward to the next project with Ziv."
"Good work, helped with other stuff as well. "
"Once again, it was really pleasant to work with Fabio. The communication was great and he was able to deliver me exactly the end result I had in mind. I would work with him again for sure. Highly recommended"