Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Playland
Currently play bass and sing BVs in Johnny Marr’s band of which I've been a member for 10 years. As well as writing my own music I write and perform lead vocals in the band Sea Fever that features two members of New Order. Strengths: Learning by ear, writing, recording and singing. I have a good vocal range and can play guitar.
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Recording studio, engineer, mix, master. Drummer, guitarist, bassist, singer, keys. www.ProjectPlayland.com
Formally signed with Sony Records in Latin America, professional singer/ songwriter based out of Los Angeles, with a soulful and extremely unique voice.
The mix of your track can really make it or break it... Learning how to do it yourself takes lots of patience and time that you should be focusing on your craft as a musician. Practicing your vocals, song writing and such. Let me take a load off of your shoulders and handle the technical side of things. You be creative and I will help you manifest.
I'm a lifelong musician with some credits for some independent work with smaller recording and tv studios. I specialize in all things electronic. I truly view myself as a strong middle ground in the industry. If you are a beginner or intermediate in the studio, I can help get your track crisp, clean, rich, and wide for a radio setting.
Staving artist working hard to make a name put out there. Results are showing! I produce best and mix to my ears ' perfection. Put your faith in a young ambition artist and watch it work. Google me:lilcbdg
Co-founder of Straahl.
Hi there! We are a composer collective writing and producing music for film, commercial and bands. If you need a great orchestral arrangement, sweet synth-atmospheres or catchy commercial music we are the ones to hire :-) get in touch if you like!
Currently play bass and sing BVs in Johnny Marr’s band of which I've been a member for 10 years. As well as writing my own music I write and perform lead vocals in the band Sea Fever that features two members of New Order. Strengths: Learning by ear, writing, recording and singing. I have a good vocal range and can play guitar.
Recent Successes
"Another fantastic vocal by Amanda!! "
"Did a great mix with no revisions necessary :-)"
"We agreed to disagree on an issue in a civil manner but the job wasn't totally unfinished. Some useful files were provided at the end which will enable me to complete the project. Don is always quick to respond, commu..."
"MR. was very efficient in the job required. Very professional and prompt with his services!!! Thank you"
"Aaron is an absolute monster of an engineer. It's not the first time I've had the pleasure of working with him and I can say with 100% confidence that it won't be the last. Every time he has surpassed my expectations ..."
"This is my third time working with Aaron. It was a great experience as always!"
"Hew killed another one for me. This young man is fast and accurate. Great communication as well. I will continue to work with him as much as possible."
"I was really enjoying working with Matt once again. A very fast working but also precise working mastering engineer:) He was also very patient and understanding when I wanted to do a few adjustments to the track mysel..."
"Another amazing time working with Paul. The song turned out so awesome. Super exited to work with him again."