Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pissed Jeans
I have over 20 years experience mixing and mastering with an ear for obsessive detail.
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Song first! Then production. Love Max Martin - inescapably catchy melodies, mindlessly singable choruses, and production that perfectly supports the song.
DRZL is a music production group specializing in audio engineering, specifically Mixing and Mastering. DRZL uses the latest digital and analog equipment to create the best sounding tracks.
Francisco is a recording, mixing & mastering engineering that started his career with Max Scenna, a very prestigious engineer from Argentina. As his assistant, he gained the experience needed to develop his judgement and ears as to deliver professional results consistently. He now provides audio services from his personal studio, 40 Bramadores.
Some have heard my songs under my artist name SATTIVO 9. What most people did not know that many of my songs are recorded,mixed and co-produced by me. With years of vocal mixing experience, it has become one of my specialties. And have had the opportunity to work with some big names in the Netherlands.
Mark Weber is an audio engineer from the North Chicago Suburbs. He has worked extensively with bands in the pop-punk, metal, hardcore, emo, and alternative rock scenes of Chicago. He has also done a lot of work with singer-songwriters to improve their songwriting.
Hello! My name is Jonathan Sosin and I am guitarist/multi-instrumentalist from Los Angeles. I have been recording and touring professionally for over a decade and have been very fortunate to work with many amazing artists and producers from all over the world. I love working on records and helping artists realize their creative goals.
I get your vocals to shine, I get your beat to thump, I bring your vision to life
More than 10 years of experience in the music industry as a singer, producer and songwriter. Get the sound you need and take your songs to the next level!
Recent Successes
"Jason took my track and really brought it to life. I am so grateful for the work he put in. I will definitely be back again with more! "
"Excellent drums - recording quality, playing and feel!!"
"This is the 2nd EP Dan has mixed for me and for the 2nd time I am nothing short of impressed. He made my vision come to life. I couldn't recommend Dan more. An phenomenal audio engineer. "
"Awesome results, highly recommended, very kind and patient, we´ll work again ;)"
"It was a pleasure working with James. I'm lucky to have worked with such a professional and knowledgable mix/master engineer to finish my album. The mixes came out really crisp and he was very clear about what he need..."
"I was humbled that Kristian liked my original and he killed his part. It was perfect, great tone, terrific feel...exactly what was needed for the song. Great communication and able to speed through the part and the so..."
"Very happy to have DEXY working with us is an honor! if you are scrolling down for a top-notch producer you may be looking too hard ... Trust me! been here for years working in Sondbeter DEXY is the right guy!"
"Very professional and mastered my song quickly with excellent quality. Look forward to working with you again. Thank you"