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Piketon Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hi, my name is Barry Maheswara, i am a A&R for Warner Music Indonesia, i'm also a record producer and mixing engineer as well. My philosophy in working on your music is how i can enhance your song with my taste and make your musical vision comes to shape and finally be able to deliver a good piece of music that makes you happy!
I'm sensitive, charm, awakened through the displacement of air called music
Electronic music producer, ghostproducer, composer, sample creator, have around +600 tracks, make music since 2000s. Music projects - Atheris Energy, SFRecords, GhostInPack.
I help musician/artist or producer have 20-30% opportunity increase on getting into Official Spotify Playlists GUARANTEED!
Hey, I'm Ben - professional full-time Audio Engineer, music producer - 14 years experience
Professional marimba player specialized in studio recording, editing mixing and mastering your music production
I make full productions from stripped down songs. I am a singer, guitarist, and songwriter, with a degree minored in music and an artist catalog of my own releases. Take a listen to my samples below. Each song began as an acoustic guitar and vocal, and were produced in different styles. I can bring your songs to life, too!
With more than 8 years of experience as a producer in Latin pop, rock, reggaeton, and cumbia, I'm here to bring your musical vision to life. Backed by a degree in music, I'm ready to infuse creativity into your sound and make your music truly stand out.
Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure working with Mickey Shiloh. She did an outstanding job writing a hook for one of my tracks. She's a brilliant writer and a skillful singer. She understands the industry trends and knows what the song..."
"Eileen is professional, highly versatile, and I felt like I got an enormous amount of value from working with her. Looking forward to more collaboration in the future!"
"Another great experience making music with Marina. Super professional singer! Patient, easy-going!"
"Ansaly is amazing ,I'm beyond happy with the results. I can highly recommend her work!"
"Again a pleasure to work with Sean, amazing Duduk player!"
"Honestly just the best. I was looking to uplevel perceived impact on streaming media, and tried out a few different engineers at the same time to see what each could do with my mixes. His master did the best job getti..."
"Tom Is A True Pro #1 ... He works with the client/Artist/Engineer to fine tune your master - I've mastered projects with numerous mastering engineers around the world. Not only does Tom have the chops, he knows how to..."
"Another amazing experience with Mike! Mike is superb with all genres and sounds, and is as professional as it gets. He is very responsive and on top of it! My songs sound the best they ever have. Another amazing exper..."