Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Piacenza Jazz Festival
As an experienced guitarist, I excel in providing top-tier guitar production services. I'm thrilled at the opportunity to listen to your music and collaborate with you! Let's work together to create something truly exceptional.
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GRAMMY Nominated Mix Engineer | DOLBY Atmos Certified.
Recording and mixing engineer with 10+ years of experience, including Atlantic Records, Elektra Records, and projects with artists like E-40, Kendra Morris and Wale. Specializing in radio-ready mixes, vocal tracking, and professional-grade production. I deliver polished tracks tailored to your vision.
Productions, Mixes, Masters and Remixes
2x Grammy award nominated/ Multi-platinum Music Producer and Musician with over 15 years of experience in the field of Music. Has worked with established artists in the Urban genres such as Yandel, Arcangel, J Alvarez, J Quiles and many more. Able to work in any market including both the Latin & American markets of the music industry.
I have Worked for Beyerdynamic and currently for a short film as the music recording and mixing engineer, post production and mastering engineer.
What am i going to tell you that you haven't already heard ? Check my production skillz if you like what you hear then contact me:
Budget mastering, mixing and recording with pro results, focus on dynamics, tonal balance and musical beauty that touches hearts.
Recent Successes
"great work"
"Exceptional ! With in the time frame i gave Isaac and the amount of things i wanted to say in my track. For him to come back to me with what i received was amazing ! Can wait to get another one done ! "
"Pro 100%. Feeling your vibes. Knows what you needs. Making discounts and helping you out to get the best result as possible! If you need a mastering, mixing guy, ASAP. ADAM is the MAN!"
"As always 10/10. Best mastering engineer I have ever worked with."
"Working with Luke was a pleasure! He is super friendly and made the process painless. He's really responsive and met deadlines consistently, 5 stars!"
"I’m very grateful to have had Simon working on my first project. He had an uncanny ability to get right to the heart of my song straight away and add exactly what it needed with instrumentals etc. great communication..."
"Stefanie is fantastic to work with and her songwriting skills are extraordinary. Can’t wait to work with her again soon!"
"Man he killed the master per expected but gave various options to choose from. My song came back sounding amazing! Will continue to go through Wes to obtain the sound I’m looking for. Top Tier professionalism as well!"
"Second time working with KC and literally love him!! Such a talent. Very professional too, he will work with you to love your sound. Highly recommend. "