Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Phantom Atlantic
My name is Evan, and I make records
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Hi, I am a professional Audio Engineer and Composer.
Hi Everyone, I use to grow up in China and I went to Canada for studying in the meanwhile I have been producing since I was 13 years old. Then after studying I move back to China to continue my music career. I worked with: - Universal Music - Warner Music - Billboard Radio China
Mastering for Vinyl, CD and Online Media
Singer/Songwriter/Producer Adrian Daniel, has been making his impressive mark in the R&B/Pop revitalization happening over the last few years and the music industry as a whole. His ear-catching, evocative songs earned him a rapidly blossoming fan-base and garnered him support from Billboard, Spotify, TIDAL, NPR, MTV, BET, Complex & The Fader.
I can play and compuse any genre !
Coming soon!
Hello! My name is Michael. I am a 20 year old producer, and mixing and mastering engineer. I have had an experience freelancing & collaborating with artists from Italy, US, UK & Belgium.
Making music sound better than in your head
Recent Successes
"Steve has been the right choice for my Job, he was able to recognize my needs by working with professionalism and sentiment."
"The Best"
"Another major mix with Art!! This guys mixes are above and beyond! He makes every track we send him come alive and sound radio ready. His turn around-time is impressive too! Cannot recommend Art enough. Definitely t..."
"Francisco is a great artist with a fine ear. He will listen to your request and make magic out of it! Really easy to work with and outstanding results. Thank you Francisco, eres lo maximo!"
"Brian is the best. The finish product is remarkable. His attention to detail was superb. The type of music I create is very unique using many subtleties in delays , and reverbs to create a unique space for the final..."
"Imani is a very skilled Engineer, and I'm so glad I came across her! She was very thorough. She explained to me the things she did with my mix instead of just handing it over and being like "is this okay?" She was ver..."
"Just the best. Amazing talent, amazing voice, good dude. All around fantastic experience A-Z. Otto will take your demo and make it a smash. "
"Excelente profesional, detallista, minucioso y súper implicado en el proyecto. Entendió a la perfección lo que la canción pedía, las referencias enviadas y agregó su punto de vista haciendo que toda la producción sona..."
"Johannes killed it once again. He always understands the assignment. This guy is a true powerhouse. Massive future ahead of him!"