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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Peter Maffay: Tabaluga
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Sonelab is a full service recording studio located in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts. We offer a 3,000 square foot facility including a large live room, two iso rooms, and one drum room. The studio is owned and operated by Mark Alan Miller and Justin Pizzoferrato
Itay Steingold Professional Recording, Mix and Mastering engineer. Also, i am a music producer.
Apollo Productions your one stop for mastering, mixing, composing for an affordable price!
Composer, audio post-production engineer, and sound designer with national and international credits for work with brands, professional sports teams, content studios, non-profits, government agencies, and more. I think, anyway.
Get a high-quality production, mix, master, or all three! Bring your tracks and ideas to life.
A multi-faceted Producer & Beat Maker from Ohio providing a unique twist to the modern soundscape.
Come record your next hit at MiddleGround Studios! Grand opening special 5 hours $175, 10 hours for $300 w/engineer 10 hours $200 w/o engineer.
I received my first plaque landing #4 on the r&b soul charts “I Want You” - Tré Rochelle
Recent Successes
"Great producer, came up with really good ideas, and really gets what you are looking for! i strongly recommend"
"Such a talented singer/songwriter. Tobias works super fast and will deliver you with a quality product. I totally recommend him!"
"amazinggg vocalist"
"Gideon added dome lovely tuba to my arrangement and it added depth and color to the mix. He's such a great player and just a lovely guy. The recordings were clean and clear and I got them back super fast. Highly, high..."
"It is a real pleasure to work with Anthony, very professional, the communication on the advancements is very precise and pleasant at the same time. The rendering of the Mixes is very clean, clear, precise, the Voices ..."
"This is my second run working with Ben. Couldn’t be happier with the end product. Ben has great taste, is a great communicator and I’m always taken aback by the end product. I plan to go to him for all future string w..."
"Third album with Alex. Can't believe we have done so many projects today. Looking forward to making the third one our best yet. Thank you man."