Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with People Puzzler Gameshow
I write & produce RnB, Neo-Soul and Pop Songs start to finish. I can come up with new original song ideas including lyrics and arrange, record and produce the song. If you are a writer or producer and need the other half of the creation process taken care of, I've got you covered!
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20 Years producing, recording and mixing albums for rock bands of all sorts in Mexico and LatinAmerica.
Alex Mica - Dalinda
Sound is creation,Afrobeats,Afro pop,Rnb,trap,Trapsoul
Ready to help you go above and beyond or your next song. If you need my assistance hit me and we’ll get to work!
Mixing & Mastering
Are you in need of Top Notch Production? Prphzy Productions works with any budget to give you the product you deserve!
You don't have to know everything to be the best you can be!
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Recent Successes
"Really enjoyed working with Rob. He did a great job mixing and mastering one of my songs. Process was super smooth and we got it done in less than a week! Def will work with him again. "
"Shaley has a tremendous ability to create not only the vocals that a song needs to shine through but also the"Vibe" of the song - her ability to deliver technically and also bring the emotional quality to a track is i..."
"Wonderfully creative on my minimalistic pop track that Alex turned into a slapping banger in his remix! Thank you so much for you kind communication. Would love to work with you again! "
"Versatile and always on point. Never disapointed and much respect for the artist."
"Pieter is... I know exactly what you want. You're going to make it into your own and complete it. I'll do it with him again. Thank you, Pieter."