Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pelican Luke
Self-taught guitarrist, producer and mixing engineer based in Argentina. Worked with acts from rock, pop and urban spectrums since the age of 15. Gave insight at music production schools. The story comes first!
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Picking up audio engineering via a hands on and DIY approach, I look forward to making each new project better than my previous and delivering top quality results to clients in a friendly and collaborative environment.
I am a multi-awarded, multi-platinum Music Producer, Songwriter, Mixing Engineer and former artist from Hungary. Working in the music industry since 1992 in many genres.
I'm a storyteller and a crafter of melodies, I make music that connects with people. From mainstream to indie I craft timeless musical masterpieces.
No grammy's, just great mixes & as many revisions as you need.
21yo french Sound engineer, spécialized in mix. Based in Paris, i work especially on Rap/Trap music. I'm also a music composer and can make beats on request.
Professional Dj
I am a songwriter and music producer from Albania.
Music Producer, Mixing Engineer, Mastering Engineer with over 7+ Years of Experience has accumulated over 2 Million Streams on Spotify / YouTube. Associates Degree in Recording Arts, Professional Mixing and Mastering Engineer Services.
Recent Successes
"Always a great job! Thanks Austin! 🤝"
"Ramita was amazing to work with! She did a great job mixing a song for me. She really listened to what I wanted and was incredibly patient with me in getting the sound I was looking for. The turnaround time was very q..."
"Damn! TRØVES can sing! Better yet, very consistent and responsive. Turnaround time on my song was quick and he was incredibly receptive to my feedback. 10/10 will want to work with him again!"
"Michelle is becoming my "go-to." On this latest track I thought it would be a difficult ask. I needed her to improvise, counter, support, blend-- just as a jumping off point. She came back with something that feels e..."
"Etienne est un excellent producteur! Il est très professionnel et très efficace tant dans la production que la communication. Nous recommandons à tous les artistes qui cherche un travail de qualité!"
"We are on the second job with Guilaine, who we confirm to be an extraordinary professional, both for her artistic creativity on a musical level, and for her ability to interpret the idea, or rather the emotions, which..."
"Joran is a brilliant & inspiring artist and an absolute pleasure to work with! 10/10 Highly recommend!"