Pedal Steel in Louisville
Tasteful overdubs for country, folk, indie rock, and experimental projects. Pedal Steel, Dobro, Banjo, Lap Steel Guitar, and Bass. I'm a mixing engineer, too.
Lifelong musician Bryan Daste is maybe best known as a pedal steel guitarist, but also specializes in clawhammer banjo, upright bass, and backing vocals. Also a talented recording engineer and producer, Daste is as skilled as he is versatile. "Bryan Daste seems to be able to play just about anything he wants to" - Joe McSpadden,
Steel guitarist for 40 years, Many studio sessions and live venues all over the midwest, I play all styles not just country, Like Jazz, Blues,Gospel, Rock, Country (old and new). I'm a multi-instrumentalist based in North central Ky and Ohio Valley best known for playing pedal steel and dobro.
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I have been composing and mixing music for many years.
What's up music lovers! I've been mixing records for about seven years now, and have worked with some of the best in the region. I'm well known for pushing the boundaries of sound quality and creativity with my soul-soothing, head-rocking mixes. I'm addicted to this thing called magic, and my love for the song bleeds through the speakers every day!
Mixing, Master, Music Creation, Film, video editing, music video
Works in Rock, Modern Rock, Country, Funk, Singer/Songwriter genres only. Mix engineer, Songwriter, Arranger, Producer, Multi-instrumentalist musician/arranger.
We will professionally mix and master you audio track to add life punch and clairity back into your mixes.
Featured on Trap Nation & Sirius XM Radio, Germany Top 50 (Spotify). With millions of streams on multiple platforms and global recognition at hand, I'm here to produce music and help as best I can! Your satisfaction is my guarantee!
If you have a story to be told, let’s tell it. I have been songwriting for several years now and have developed a genre-bending style to suit any clients’ needs, including yours.
I like producing music, and being challenged. I am curious to discover your musical universe and I can’t wait to share its creation with you!
Recent Successes
"Jazelle is amazing. I've worked with a lot of singers and I can say none have even come close to her. Her tone and feel is is the real thing. Can't recommend her enough."
"Brandyn is a top-notch talent and exceeded all expectations with my project. He was super professional and communicative throughout the process. Will definitely be working with him again! "
"Guilaine is a pleasure to work with!"
"Alex is a very creative sculptor of unique beats and sound, if that's what you're searching for. Also traditional drum patterns are on his menu. I happened to challenge him in both of those areas on one new song I wr..."
"Working with Scott is like catching lighting in a bottle; such an amazing singer/singer writer/person in general! Highly recommend working with Scott as he will take any visions how you want your project to go and exc..."
"Great job, was willing to explain aspects of what he did because we were not the most technically knowledgeable on the mastering process. Helped us through multiple revisions and was quick to reply once our deadline w..."
"Michael gave me SO much to work with in terms of guitar stems, every one with great character and tone. Do not hesitate to use him for your guitar needs :)"