Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Paz Quintana - Animales Producer
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My name is Paul Gabriel Marchesani; also known as the Forest Kids Collective. With over 27 different musical aliases and over 1000 published tunes. I've been writing and producing all styles of music since 2010. I currently engineer & produce NPR Live Sessions for VuHaus via WRTI 90.1FM. I've done over 100 productions of global and local acts.
Whats up everyone, my name is Aric and currently a 19 year old college student. I just recently started producing some small town rappers/freestylers that would like to get there name out.
"I paint pictures with sound not only express myself, but to give thought and emotion to others"
Welcome to Dark Horse! A beautiful 4-studio complex recording and mixing artists like Taylor Swift, Matchbox 20, Carrie Underwood, Korn and many more.
If you’re a fan of bands like Dance Gavin Dance, Cane Hill, or Waterparks then come see me. I care about your project as much as you do and I’ll make sure it meets all of your expectations and then some!
Experienced & versatile producer/writer based out of my London studio, working with artists such as SHELLS, Malika, Samira, Heidi and Sevdaliza. My productions have made it onto national radio, been performed at the Royal Albert Hall, been recorded at Abbey Road studios and have amassed over 30 million streams. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Singer, guitar/bass player, and music producer...
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Recent Successes
"He is Very Talent, Passionate and very Professinal for everything , for every steps. And He is Even Young, He got great potential. "
"So super talented — I literally will not work with any one else!! Another amazing track with Tyler. He is so creative and second to none when it comes to communicating and managing expectations. Tyler is literally th..."
"At this point I'm so spoiled with his performance and recording quality that I don't see myself ever settling for sampled percussion or any other recording artist."
"Very happy with my experience. Easy to collaborate with to get your optimal result and quick turn around. High production quality. Would recommend. "
"This is my 3rd time working with Bram, and he never disappoints. Got a very clean sound out of the files I sent, and as always; extreme flexibility and great communication! Looking forward to the next project Bram ;)"
"NT is pretty much a professional producer and singer! He is also a very kind man that you could be easily talking with! "
"His work ethic is admirable and pushed me to be better. Another super crispy mix and master finished by vic in timely fashion."
"Extremely good communication, and a fantastic result. We hope to work with Kuyano again in the future!"
"He is the GUY. Thanks for your hard work and attention to detail. Sending the new batch of songs now homie!"
"Great professional!! 3 tracks with him and next are coming. Amazing process, Anton always give you a solution and has a lot of patience . Highly recomended!!"
"Awesome to work with! I highly recommend."