Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pavel Priluchny
Skilled audio engineer to mix your audio into cohesive modern production of music and vocals!
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Session Bassist and Audio Engineer available for Mixing, Mastering, Recording, Producing and Post-Production from NY
I'm a composer/producer from Stuttgart, Germany and started my own musical experiments back in 1999 on cassette tapes. I began serious recording around 10 years ago with the production of my first solo works in Autumn 2006. I played in various bands and produced, mixed and mastered about 40 records.
Producer, Remixer, Collaborator, Universal EDM Soldier. Emotional, Bright & Loud tracks
I'm a growing artist in the Hardstyle genre. I would love to collab.
I’ve been producing music since 2010 and have been honing my talent into useful efficient skills! I’ve worked for several artists as a consultant, remix engineer, and audio engineer. Many bands and producers have also hired me to re-orchestrate their music with my sound expertise!
I have 2 albums, "The Definition of Ups and downs", and "January". I have also written the soundtrack for many youtube documentaries.
You listen to your track for hours and hours wondering why your tracks don't sound as good as the ones on the Spotify. Let me be that Engineer to help you bridge the gap.
Audio Engineer based out of Sunset Sound.
Recent Successes
"Jean Paul made all of my tracks come alive. He was able to add texture, coherence and dynamics to my music better than I could have hoped for. Hire him for any and all music and audio production needs. You won't regre..."
"Marcello is an amazing and rare talent. Super professional and a joy to work with. I will be back for sure. "
"Very professional & easy to work with. Took my ideas and input with ease and literally brought the beat I had in my head to life within days. FIRE! This dude is legit and you'd be missing out by not working with him."
"Taylor did an amazing Job , she understand perfectly what we want and was very quick after we asked us a very little modification , hope will work again on future projects"
"James reply and work really fast. very good first collaboration ! Thanks alot."
"Matt did a great job mastering my track! "
"Jon is a consummate professional and I had a fulfilling, fun experience working with him. His input throughout the mastering process was honest, constructive, and displayed his true passion for music and commitment a..."
"even tho i did not really know what i actually wanna it was very easy to get there with Uros. For sure not the last time."