Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Patrick Class
International live and session musician with experience in Europe. Now, Mixing & Mastering Engineer at PMKC Studio for honest and devoted mixes to bring your work to another level.
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My name is Hannes Grossmann from Germany. I'm a professional session drummer & studio engineer (recording, mix and master). My studio is called "Mordor Sounds" and can be visited at www.mordorsounds.com
The European voice of Rock
Need some killer drum parts for your songs? I will gladly handle any task within the heavier spectrum of music. From the slowest doom to the most schizophrenic beats you can think of, I’m here for you.
My name is Matheus, I've been a professional trombonist for 7 years, I played in different bands and different styles and I am currently studying Music at the University of São Paulo, Bachelor of Trombone.
trust my experience I take my cooperation seriously. because in the end if it's my project too pleasure to work with you
Cricut is a fantastic cutting machine crafters worldwide utilize to produce decorative crafts.
I am a highly professional and versatile singer-songwriter, BGV and session singer with well over a decade of experience in the music industry. I possess a great mastery of several genres of music including soul, rnb, gospel, house, pop, afro pop, lofi, EDM, Folk, and a host of many others.
Hi! I have some superpowers, and I'd love to tell you about them so I can create some magic FOR YOU!;) I'm a versatile expert vocalist and guitarist. Worked with Numen Studios (Dua Lipa, Kylie Minogue), Kyle Mangles (Will Joseph Cook, Benee, Dreamer Boy) and many more. With 18 years of experience I bring my full expertise to every song I work on.
Recent Successes
"Professional! Class! Coming with great input to make the prosject sound best as possible for the artist! Working great as a team! And last, a very great man!"
"Always easy working with Javier!"
"Denny is super pro and very easy to work with. Followed our directions, and what he delivered was a tool kit. Everything we asked for and more. When you can't have the singer in the studio tracking, it's great to k..."
"I was stuck in the mud of doing it all myself, so I ditched my DAW for a looper. All I gave The Brothers Grin were loop sketches. Instead of cutting through brambles before I could be expressive, they opened up the pa..."
"Happy to work with Gerard again. Very talented and provided timely service. Mixing is the best! Would highly recommend. "
"Darren is VERY talented and awesome to work with. His professionalism and knowledge speaks volumes! He is polite and responds quickly. I definitely look forward to working with him again in the future!!!"
"This master was just insanely good. Probably one of the best ever!!"
"I keep coming back because I know she’s passionate about her music and the people she work with! Great things are coming from our collaboration."
"There are good bass players in the world. And then there are jaw-droppingly awesome bass players that totally transform a song. Jamaal is that second kind of player. Incredible! You *definitely* want Jamaal to play on..."