Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Parris Dame
Certified Pro Engineer working currently out of Icon Studios in ATL.
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It's the art of sensitive noise, distorted sounds and funny beats in order to make it a musical experience for every listener. Their influences extended from the Big Room House / Mainstream / Electro House / Progressive House.
I am a singer-songwriter in many genres and languages. BONUS: I provide *Green-Screen* video! I've always worked with harmonies, ranging from small choirs, to show productions, as well as in personal projects; each harmony is unique and beautifully enhances your song.
I've been recording, mixing and mastering, for indies and many Majors since 1987 in various genres of music. I've been a Virgin Records recording artist, where I wrote and produced my debut album along with my twin brother. Since then I've recorded and mixed (at least the roughs, many of which made it to commercial release) all of my records.
Mix your song with me and I will master it also, free of charge. I can have your song professionally mixed and mastered in 24-48hrs.
Anandhu A. Balakrishnan is an independent artist, singer/songwriter, music producer and composer from Kochi (IN).
I started out as a principle at Bayside High, but the Beldster couldn't be held down by all the squares on the school board so now I create killer music and beats for all you young whipper-snappers.
A professional audio engineer and accordion player
I am a professional classical and electric guitar player. I have a professional musical education. I have many concerts behind me. I write my own music: instrumental compositions, songs, orchestrations. I am recording and mixing tracks.
Recent Successes
"Sunnie made this song—that was readily produced and written—hers! She truly captured the emotion of each lyric that was partnered with the music, and made it so much better than what I had expected and asked for. Wi..."
"LeRome is a pleasure to work with. He is very creative and talented. He goes above and beyond the normal quality of todays best music. Blessed!"
"Incredible product. Timely and very responsive. Very easy to work with and willing to make revisions wherever they are needed. Really great experience. I'll definitely be back"
"Once again Ryan came through with an incredible performance for my track! A gem of a human and an unbelievable singer!"
"Muy profesional y muy buen trato!! Suena genial. Volveré a trabajar con él 😁 "
"Justin is a great singer,producer and songwriter who delivers the best quality of work. Professional recording,mixing and writing! A real good friend and a great work partner. Really excited about what we´re about to ..."
"It was really fun and productive working with Matt, really open to suggestions and a creative writer."
"Eryn does wonderful and very creative work. She has top-notch lyrics and vocals, performance and recordings are fantastic! Always a pleasure working with Eryn! "
"Elliot did an amazing job, from start to finish with the same energy and passion! Fast and dedicated! Definitely looking forward to work with him again!"
"Adrian showed once again why is is one of the top producers on SoundBetter! He took a song of mine and gave it life it with a really beautiful sound. He was able to seamlessly work with me and made it really easy to c..."
"Victor as su nous indiquer les erreurs techniques dans notre mix pour rendre un master beaucoup plus agréable. Merci pour ta rapidité c'est très appréciable."