Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Outkast ATLiens
I am a dynamic and adaptable music industry professional with a focus on mixing, editing, timing and pitch correction, synthesis, recording, and production. I have the knowledge to realize your musical vision. I am a vocalist and a multi-instrumentalist with a great deal of experience as a producer and a mastery of midi production techniques.
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Maurice A. Alexander II, “MALEX” is a Grammy Award Winning, Double-platinum audio engineer and music producer. He has a passion for delivering quality mixing & mastering, and cutting edge music production.
I'm an international producer, composer and songwriter. Coming up with Hiphop/Electronic beats, writing + recording songs for singers and bands is what interests me the most.
Better Than Best - Johnny Kilroy
Los Angeles based guitarist with credits that include - Lady Gaga, Rihanna, American Idol, Suicidal Tendencies, Janet Jackson, and more...
Hey, I'm Hendri! A vocalist and songwriter from Boston, MA living in Los Angeles, CA. I specialize in indie pop / rock and singer / songwriter tracks. Check out my song 'Shoulda Never Left Boston' on all streaming platforms!
Multiple platinum and gold records as producer in Spain. Session guitarist and bassist with his own recording studio.
My name is Michael Vargas born in Vineland New Jersey and raised in Buffalo New York. I current have have a 100% GPA at the University Of Arizona Global Campus going for my Bachelor's in Social & Criminal Justice.
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Recent Successes
"Daaaaamn i got to say it the best work we’ve seen since we started on soundbetter, There’s variations, differents vibes it’s fresh well written there sence it’s not just sentence by sentence writing! Bravo! "
"Jenny was such a joy to work with!! Talented and timely. "
"Above and beyond music producer and mixer. This is my second time working with Merlijn, and he is so talented and his workflow is so unique and thoughtful. Super impressed. Give your record the Dutch tilt by going wi..."
"Scott just nailed another epic tune out of the park, exceptional as always, the best front man in the business and one classy brother!! Ready for album number two with Scott leading the way...it's a bright path ahead:..."
"Just finish the last song of my album with Brent. He added so much unique sound to my songs, elevated them to another level. He's one of the best guitarist you will ever find. "
"Awesome communication and very great master!"