Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with OSC
Synthwave Producer with over 2.5 Million streams on Spotify and founder of the biggest Synthwave playlist “Synthwave Sounds”. Currently owner of XENNON Studios, a top mixing and mastering studio near Newcastle Upon Tyne.
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I am a recording, mixing and mastering engineer working in my studio since 2009
Hi!I am musician and sound engineer from Moscow.I love my work and I'm spending all my time in my studio mixing songs for my clients and myself.
Lucky' Ever Records es un sello discografico originario de Peru, este durante toda su trayectoria ha crecido indudablemente, con el reciente contrado del DJ/Productor Dealer, quine junto a Lucky ha lanzado temas como Crazy, y un EP "Years Old", su cancion "Old" se ha poscicionado en las canciones mas escuchadas en la zona.
For the 4th edition of the International Mandolin Festival of Madeira, the Association of Mandolins of Madeira ordered a piece with an approximate duration of eight minutes for the mandolin orchestra. It was performed by the Italian orchestra Claudio and Mauro Terroni.
I am ready to make musical art (and to compose the most experimental track you could ever imagine) for your project/film/TV show.
Entra la sección de péndulos y veras las mejores ofertas que tenemos con tan solo hacer un clic aquí. Funcionan estupendamente y serán un regalo muy especial y original. Las piedras de los chakras son un artículo muy apreciado, por ejemplo en forma de pulseras de piedras o pulseras con piedras naturales
I'm an expert in playing and programming analog and digital synths, in addition to being an accomplished keyboardist, guitarist & bassist. I'm a member of UK electronic pop band Metronomy, record/produce my own music as NZCA LINES and have recorded and performed with French pop star Christine & The Queens.
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Recent Successes
"Danny was amazing to work with. Very professional and easy to work with. He is open to ideas/suggestions, as well as offers his own to the project at hand. He kept me informed with the progress, every step of the way...."
"5 Stars Deluxe!!!! Amazing work, the quality is really high. Delivery is very fast. Erik work also on some new ideas What we have in the production process and deliver exactly what expected!! "
"Outstanding upright bass playing for my song. He was flexible, adjusting to my needs, and worked in a timely fashion. Great Job!"
"Mike is an amazing one-man band! I needed a horn section to spice up a rock dance song, and I quickly decided Mike is the man to go with. Mike did professional edits and extensions on my rough arrangement, and recorde..."
"Great work... Alex was on the ball and exuded enthusiasm and professionalism"
"Yann certainly knows what you're looking for. Complete genius regarding harmonic development and has attractive price, he will give you quality. I will call him for more projects of mine indeed, bravo Yann"
"It was a pleasure really. Clive makes the effort to understand not just tempos but the dynamics you are going for. The track is not the easiest to play but you know you've made a good call when the live drum track m..."
"An absolute delight to work with, very professional! Highly suggested. "
"Always super great to work with."