Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with OracleDaryo
Specialized in Electronic Music, kind of every genre of Hip Hop and soundtracks for shorts, commercials and movies and averagely skilled in mixing and mastering.
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I am a 31-year old Music Producer and DJ who's been professional since 2006 - offering studio sessions and teaching others how to get started and so on.
Made An unreleased Album that the listeners have said was the best they have heard in my brand of music. Will be released soon.
New York based session and touring guitarist. Look forward to hearing and collaborating on your music.
Deft music producer and engineer based in Budapest. Pop/Rock/Trap/Hip-Hop/Raggaeton genres are the best for me. Im looking forward to collaborating with you on your project and make your sound better. (get it?) On vacation till 2th of August
specialized in electronic music, studio treated and calibrated, high-end listening system.
Worked with many artists, medium and small level. I have over 3 years of experience.
Top-level mix & master engineer, instrumentalist. Produced for Steel Pulse,Iya Terra,Alborosie,Stick Figure, Iration, Rebelution,SOJA, KBong,Tribal Seeds,Slightly Stoopid,Trevor Hall ,Mykal Rose ,The Elovators ,Arise Roots ,Sizzla, Lutan Fyah, Chezidek, Duane Stephenson, Eli Mac, Dre Island,Leilani Wolfgramm,Inna Vision,Million Styles,Gonzo, &more
Specialized in Electronic Music, kind of every genre of Hip Hop and soundtracks for shorts, commercials and movies and averagely skilled in mixing and mastering.
Recent Successes
"Nathaniel is an all round producer. I work across all music genres and like to work with the same producer that can handle different styles. Nathaniel took on all challenges and each resulted in an Epic song. We're mo..."
"The proces of mixing and mastering was great. We had a close communication about my wishes, and at the end the track sounds great! I would recommend Dark to everyone!"
"Tyler was easy to work with and was quick on delivery despite me making alterations. Highly recommend with the clear communication and good music understanding to Craft the vocals to the song very nicely "
"OWSTR is a super talented dude and a versatile writer. Definitely going to work with him again!! "
"Another song mastered by Camilo! the result we are achieving is incredible! thanks Camilo! You rock! "
"Another one. Excellent work by Andres Mayo. Very satisfied. :)"
"Finished the next epic Track with Karlo. Every time, he's on point."
"This guy is a BEAST! I’m working with him on two projects, and he’s given me two different fire sounds for both. We’ve worked on 4 tracks so far and I’ve not been disappointed once!"