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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Option Command
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I completed my degree in this subject in July 2013 and my work experience to-date has been mostly based in Italy, applying the skills on a practical basis through various part time work experiences.Having graduated, I am now ready to expand my skills and to work full time for an international company. I am a hard working individual and patient...
Experienced demo session Vocalist, Songwriter, and Mastering Engineer in Nashville, TN.
What's Up? I'm Phil, music producer, mixing engineer and artist based in Amsterdam. Feel free to hit me up don't worry about the price list too much, I like to work based on what's needed so prices will always vary apart from maybe beat making.
Hello everybody! I'm Jack, I graduated the British Institute of Modern Music where I studied music production, two years before that I studied music technology at Kingston College. I was a full time podcast producer for 6 months for the podcast Stories Seldom Told, I also did a 3 month intensive audio visual training course with Encore Global.
Custom Electronic Music: Powerful, Calming, and Tailored to Your Needs I create high-quality electronic music that can be as energizing and powerful as it is soothing and calming, or a unique blend of both—perfectly tailored to your project's emotional tone and requirements.
Crafting a sonic blend of nostalgia with ingenuity, I mix and/or master a unique vibe for every beat! Next-level commercial quality productions/mixes with a quick turnaround time.
I am a Scottish mixing engineer working from a studio in Glasgow. My credits include the likes of The Kundalini Genie, Vickie Paxton and Human Renegade. I specialise in indie/alt-rock music and have been making music in this genre among others for 4 years now.
Recent Successes
"We just finished the first EP of our new project, and we are very happy with the result, sonic wise and the service was also amazing. We highly recommend Hiltongrove Mastering. Nice job Dave."
"Just amazing! Professional, talented, a super artist! An absolute joy to work with as well as a very good communicator! A big yes and hoping to work with you again real soon! "
"Working with Ruth was a dream. Vocals of the highest quality and delivered on time. I honestly feel lucky as I believe I have managed to catch a rising star. Fantastic experience "
"Lorenzo did a AMAZING job!!!!!!! It was exactly what we wanted. Steller!!!! I'll definitely be sending more his way to play on. Cheers!"
"Ziv is very talented, his guitar skills are fire but also he has great musical ideas. He catches the song so quickly and brings something that matches the tone and vibe immediately. Quick communication and great under..."
"Killian exceeded all expectations I had for my project! I was blown away listening to what was once an idea turned into an awesome track! Communication was fast and pleasant! So excited to share this with others! Kill..."
"Super professional, quick turnaround and delivered exactly what I was looking for."
"He just gets it! And my "first" second "listening ear". Highly recommended! Thank you TJ! "