Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Oppressed Affliction
Let me help you get the sound you're looking for! No matter how long it takes, I strive to never leave an unhappy client and will make it my personal responsibility to make sure you're happy with the result.
More providers:
I am A Hip Hop Producer. From the Old School to the New , Trap all about the Rap!!!
I am a drummer and i love finding the right groove and vibe for a song. My passion is vintage drums, that inspire me to create unique drumsounds and make the song feel good.
I can make your purpose to sound in your song.
I am a Houston based Nerdcore rap artist. Hit me up for unique flair and references in your tracks. Send me your instrumental and track idea and I will record a bomb feature for your track. You can hear a sample of my style on the second verse of my uploaded track to the right.
Delivering the massive sound that your music deserves. Serving and bringing out the unique sound of your music is my top priority.
Lets Dive
I've been a working, professional recording electric and acoustic guitarist for over 30 years here in L.A.
Hey there! Are you ready to take your music to the next level? I'm here to bring your sound to life like never before. As your dedicated vocal mixer, I'm committed to sculpting your voice into a masterpiece that resonates with listeners around the globe.
Recent Successes
"Another one straight away. Again, top Mastering. Professional and fast turnaround. Recommended."
"On delivery the song was finished with no revisions needed. The song came out better than expected which absolutely speaks for itself. Aaron has a high service standard. He did reply to my questions even at midnight...."
"Tyree, stood by me until the very end to deliver a quality product that im satisfied with"
"Every artist needs an engineer who can understand them. Not just instructions, but understand by feeling the song. My guy let's keep it going great work once again!"
"I’m so glad I found Koncrete Productions. They did an amazing job with my first song. I was so impressed with the end result that I asked them to produce another 5 songs for me. I’m very excited to see all the song..."
"Que linda experiencia encontrar personas como Juan que se toman en serio su trabajo y tienen un talento extraordinario!"
"Mosco gave us a super loud mix, with a lot of attitude, and crazy hard hitting drums ! His sound is very upfront and modern. the production we got had something weird going on with the bass, and he fixed it and made ..."
"A chaque fois que je contact Enguerrand avec un nouveau projet, il me propose une création toujours plus grandiose que ce que j’imaginais. Il cible à la perfection mes demandes et idées, puis il les reproduits. Un p..."