Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ONYL
He compartido estudio con Sky, Sog, Alex The Big Pieces, MauroDembow, Maki Vaez, Dj Maff, Tezzel, SagaWhiteBlack, Yelsid, Steven Montoya, Onyl, Young Fatty, Magic OTM, Lotero, Jhay Oz, entre otros artistas y productores relevantes de la escena latina.
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Billboard #1 & Platinum Songwriter - I've written for top 40 artists BTS, TXT, NETTA, Taeyeon & grammy award winning songwriters Philip Lawrence (Bruno Mars) etc. My song "Habit" with Rain Man charted on Billboard, sync placements ranging from Nickelodeon, Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Paramount Pictures.
Vastly experienced Grammy nominated, Emmy winning engineer. Projects include numerous international film credits, local and international concert DVD & TV broadcasts. Recordings and mixes for Toto, John Legend, Will Smith & Tina Turner.
Emmy winning engineer based in Phoenix.
LUTCH (from the Urban Dictionary): “To drag down in to the basement“. Maybe there’s no better way to describe the sound of the new moniker of DJ & Producer Antonio Laccetti, back to the Electronic Dance Music scene after his years as TonyLaces.
"Melodic" maybe is the adjective I´d would use to describe the style of my tracks. Whether is pop, R&B, dembow, hip hop, trap or a ballad, my sweet melodies and pop structures combined with different kind of sounds are my trademark. That being said, I always treat the music of my clients as mine so I can guarantee that a good job is done.
I like to keep up with the songs that are at the top of the charts and improve my songwriting techniques each day. I'm a 26 year old who creates catchy melodies and meaningful lyrics (in English or Spanish) adapted to each genre and song. My specialty is commercial music in general: Pop, EDM, urban music...
He compartido estudio con Sky, Sog, Alex The Big Pieces, MauroDembow, Maki Vaez, Dj Maff, Tezzel, SagaWhiteBlack, Yelsid, Steven Montoya, Onyl, Young Fatty, Magic OTM, Lotero, Jhay Oz, entre otros artistas y productores relevantes de la escena latina.
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Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure working with Matt to mix our 10 song LP. Working remotely can be a challenge but Matt solves that by being responsive and detailed oriented. He also manages to understand what you mean when you can..."
"Naomi has an amazing voice, I loved how fast she was and how professional she kept things.. I am definitely excited to see what comes of the song we worked on. would def hire her again."
"This guy gets better with each mix!!!! Easy to work with. Looking forward to many more projects with him. "
"I've been working with Paul recently on "re-imagining" my songs for piano. His work has been beautiful, bringing out things I never even knew were there. Just brilliant! "
"MR. is incredibly talented! I only had a vocal melody when we met at his studio to record the song, and after singing it he just got the vision and transformed it into something really beautiful. His production qualit..."
"Love the beat. Guy is easy to communicate with and he comes through"
"I don't usually ask people to produce something using only a vocal melody as the base; I like to produce the majority of a song so that the producer has a clear idea of what I want and can add some flourish to it. I w..."
"This is my second time working with Cameron and once again he was extremely fast, professional and open to my suggestions. Can't recommend him enough."