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ON Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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My name is Lateef Sides. A mix engineer from NY. I'll work hard after you've worked hard to make a great song. Let's work!
Being in audio engineering for over decade and working with different styles, I'm able to achieve a highest level of quality in almost every aspect you need. Composing, arranging, orchestrating, mixing, mastering or tuning vocals.
Combining the professionalism and quality of the big studios with the flexible and attentive approach of working remotely.
Jazz double bass player with African and middle east sound
"With over 100 million streams and 150 track collaborations under his belt, through both his own productions and those for the likes of Mickey Valen‘s ‘Wildcard’, it’s always been without doubt that Ninski is on an ever growing path to worldwide success."
Beatmaker From Finland
Live sound to surround, I have the experience to elevate your project to the top.
Recent Successes
"was a joy to work with. super creative and quick! thanks"
"So I wanted to see what the hype was all about... Rob is legit. His skills are so good. I really love the mix that he produced. You can also tell that Rod is a genuinely good person. Really happy to find him. Awesome ..."
"Ziv recorded some beautiful classic guitar parts for my song and did it very quickly. Highly recommended! "
"It’s been a pleasure dealing with Kate. She is a reliable , dedicated professional and a complete artist. I look forward to working again with her soon. "
"I have used Andres many times now and it really is a no brainer for me on who to use for my mastering. He is brilliant! The mix coaching he provides is an absolute bonus and really appreciated. Thanks you to Andres an..."
"Working with Ken felt like a breath of fresh air. He was professional and easy going. If you’re looking for a high quality mix and mastering , hit up Ken Lewis “ATMOS” for that Dopamine "
"If you need quality, professional work with none of the BS, GEKKO is your man. The man doesn't play around with sound!! Five star all the time!!"