Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with OMB Kay Jay
I’m the only engineer that isn’t Grammy nominated at one of the studios I work at— PlayGround Studios. I’ve been working in music and production since 2010. I’m adaptable and I have a big name in my local area especially in the Hip Hop and RnB genre.
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Hey what's up guys! Joseph Parry here from Humidfume studios and I wanted to drop you a line to let you know that I'm here and thirsty for more mixes! All of my clients have loved the mixes I return and I want you to be a part of that long line! Let's do this!
We are a music factory. A team of Professional musicians graduated from EMC (Berklee International Network)
Quick, professional, accurate, with groove attitude and passion for the touch.
Latin pop/reggaeton music is on the rise everywhere and I would love to add that latin calor, sabor to your song.
Mixing and Mastering Engineer from Germany since 3 years. I want to get more jobs done, thats why im here.
Best TrapBeat and EDM producers with Analog Mix and Master. With decades of experience in the scene, we follow your Production step by step.
I am a 30+ year guitar and bass veteran and I also add orchestral music to mixes via Hollywood Orchestra from EastWest.
Recent Successes
"Another great performance! Andrew sang so well with another challenging song with passion and creativity. I am very pleased with his superb work. Will continue for future projects! Strongly recommend him! "
"I Love working with refugee, hes the type of guy that builds chemistry with anyone he works with! "
"Even though this project went a different direction, Mariami always respects the process and really takes the time to do amazing art. "
"Bobby John is an extremely talented, versatile, and enthusiastic vocalist who has a beautiful voice well into the higher octave range--and he can rap! I def have more songs planned for Bobby."
"Working with Andres Mayo had been a pleasure and he was patient with me on getting things as right as we possibly can . I appreciate him and the work we did and look forward to another master and possibly a mixing as..."
"Second time working with Leo, as always a pleasure"
"TJ was fantastic in every way - the service he provided was first class, he was fair and patient - he even helped me learn about the process and how I could do some of the work myself moving forward. He allowed me to ..."